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Coronavirus in Italy and the world: news and COVID-19 situation bulletin for today, February 17th.  alive

Coronavirus in Italy and the world: news and COVID-19 situation bulletin for today, February 17th. alive

Covid: Lombardy tar raises the constitutionality of the health vaccine commitment

The Administrative Court of Lombardy raises the question of constitutional legality regarding the duty to vaccinate against Covid for health workers, and the Council invests. Starting with the appeal of the psychologist, who was suspended from the possibility of carrying out her own activity that did not include direct contact with her patients, the first section of the Second Evaluation Law of Lombardy believes, with a “separate law”, that “to raise the question of constitutional legality of Article 4, paragraph 4 From the Decree-Law of April 1, 2021, No. 44, which has been converted into the Law of January 21, 2022, the obligation to vaccinate, the immediate cessation of the practice of health professions. Specifically, the appellant’s request refers to the Regional Court, “it must therefore be admissible and, as a consequence, the appealed judgment must be partially suspended, in the part that does not limit the appellant’s suspension from the exercise of the profession of psychiatrist for services involving personal contacts or involving, in any way Another, on the risk of spreading infection from SARS-CoV-2, with a consequent explanatory explanation of this limitation of comment in the professional record of psychologists.” On the other hand, the hearing on the subject of the appeal, as stated in the order, will be determined according to the “Result of the Constitutional Court Decision”.

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