Friday, July 26, 2024

Tax reform, rewards for disciplined companies with taxes. And a faster VAT refund


Irpef’s cutting in the next maneuver looks increasingly daunting. Resources are scarce and there may not be the $4 billion needed for the first cut…

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Irpef’s cutting in the next maneuver looks increasingly daunting. Resources are tight and the $4 billion needed for the first rate cut may not be forthcoming. So tax reform The signature of Deputy Economy Minister Maurizio Leo will start from the zero-cost measures presented in the delegation, starting with bonuses for companies loyal to the party. tax authority to refunds Value added tax fast. The thirteen committees appointed to support the government in writing executive decrees have begun work. By September 23rd, they will have to hand over the action blueprints to Leos. Where do you start? A chapter that can quickly find application is the “rewards” for those who prove they are behaving properly with the tax authorities. The recipients, in this case, are above all merchants and VAT numbers. The delegation confirms and promotes the ISA mechanism, and the summary indicators of financial reliability (the so-called “report cards”). Those who score high in international auditing standards for a certain number of years will be able to reach a two-year agreement with creditors. Some kind of reward system.

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the passage
In practice, the tax authorities will calculate the taxes that taxpayers will have to pay in the next two years, thanks to the intersection of databases. If the account is accepted, the agency will not perform tax assessments in that period. If the taxpayer earns more, the increase will be tax deductible. But there is not only this. Those who perform well and get high marks on their tax reporting cards will also be entitled to a “quick” tax refund. Today, the average time to pay VAT credits is 75 days. On the other hand, those with a high ISA will be guaranteed to have a private lane with shorter times. Among the first decrees to see the light, then, may be the strengthening of the taxpayer statute. The delegation stipulates strengthening the obligation to give reasons for tax actions, in addition to promoting the principles of legitimate expectations and legal certainty.

This means that the Revenue Agency will no longer be able to send out ‘virtual’ assessments, but will have to indicate in its documentation evidence of alleged evasion. Not only. The reform provides for measures to simplify assessment procedures and the general application of the contrasting procedure. Taxpayers will be given 60 days to submit their counterarguments to the agency regarding the assessment.

Another executive decree that should see the light of day in the short term is the introduction of the principle of a global minimum tax in Italy, a tax applied to companies with a turnover of more than 750 million euros annually to ensure that at least 15% of their profits are paid in taxes. . The intention is to fight (unfair) competition between countries to attract multinational corporations to their territories. Finally, delegation also intersects with cutting the contribution wedge. Indeed, the Irpev reform provides for the possibility of deducting social security contributions from the income of employees (as well as the self-employed). This would be another way in which the wage gap could continue to be reduced and made more generous.

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Meanwhile, the maneuvering road remains arduous. Pressure from majority parties to include “science” measures in the budget law is high. The total bill for necessary resources cannot fall below 30 billion euros. But at the moment there are only about ten of them. It is enough just to confirm the reduction of the contribution also for the year 2023 to an income of up to 35,000 euros. Forza Italia demands an increase in the minimum pension. The university enters quota 41 even if it recalculates the contribution by check. costing measures. A first round of discussions on this issue is likely to be held in the Council of Ministers tomorrow. And also because the time for choices has approached, and some interventions have begun to waver. For example, it will be difficult to find sufficient resources to renew the contracts of civil servants. At the moment, only contractual vacation allowance is envisaged. Even the first reduction in personal income tax rates, uniting the 25% rate with the 23% rate, could be deferred for a year. But much will depend on how European negotiations on a new stability pact proceed. That is, if Europe allows the “green” investments associated with the recovery plan and defense investments to be deducted from the accounts. Italy will need strong alliances, especially on the French and Spanish sides. And even here the road seems narrow at the moment.

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