Thursday, September 19, 2024

One in two women gives up free examination


Prevention and early diagnosis have made it possible to significantly reduce breast cancer mortality. Mammography examination It is the main tool that comes It is offered to women between the ages of 45 and 70 years To check on your health. Completely free, It involves performing a double radiological examination of each breast, the results of which are examined by two radiologists and an independent examination is performed. This is the way it is structured, for example To Asst Sette Laghi, whose activities are entrusted to the Head of the Radiology Department, Leonardo Galigari.

ASST Lakes: 4 facilities where testing is performed

There are 4 hospitals in Set Laghi Where the mammography examination is performed: Al Varese Club Which has 8 radiology specialists, al Galmarini from Tradate With two specialists, appOndoli de Angera Which provides good radiologist and others Confalonieri Luino Where reports are read remotely.

The reading can end with A negative result, a doubtful result, or a positive result. In the last two cases, the woman is called back, quickly depending on the severity of the clinical picture, for a second examination. All screening activities flow into Breast Unit under the direction of Professor Francesca Rovirain a unique path of welcome and accompaniment for women.

At Asst Sette Laghi, between 27,000 and 30,000 tests are performed every year. Membership is about 70% of invited women.

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In the province of Varese, the membership rate is 53%.

This is a result that places Varese above average screening performance In the numbers of Ats Insubria According to which the response of women who were called after Covid decreased By 53%, while before 2020 it was about 60%.

«In the past five years it has been implemented on our territory More than 225,000 mammograms – He explains annalisa donadini, Director of Community Medicine Structure at ATS Insubria – In 2020, due to the Covid pandemic, the service was suspended for approximately 4-5 months at the regional level; As a result, a temporary slowdown in activity and a decline in women’s participation in the examination was recorded across the country.
In our region, screening participation averaged about 60% in pre-COVID years; Membership is now gradually moving towards this standard: at an equal value in the biennium 2021-2022 by 53%. We are working to return participation to historical levels, through a series of network initiatives that primarily include general practitioners who are the reference point for women and who can effectively raise their clients’ awareness of adherence to screening, highlighting the importance of implementingPeriodic mammograms between the ages of 45 and 74 years, It has been unanimously recognized by scientific societies as the most effective test in reducing breast cancer deaths. During the current year, the examination center is significantly increasing its advocacy activity; To date, 110,590 women have been invited. the Slots available By local service providers There are approximately 98,000 For the full year 2023, ensuring that the target coverage target is achieved.”

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Joining a display campaign also affects waiting lists

The importance of the participation of the invited women has a double meaning: On the one hand, it responds to goals Early diagnosis and timely interventionOn the other hand, it also improves the organization of investigation activities even for women who do not fall within the examination age: To ensure the conduct of exams, companies must reserve a large number of places, which in the event of non-compliance will be lost. It leads to wastage of resources and energy Waiting lists increased significantly For those who wish to undergo mammography screening but are not within the age group for screening. That is why the invitation from Ats Insubria should be read as an effective and credible public health offer The reading is assigned to radiologists with a case history of at least 5,000 investigations per year“Considering an inspection activity to be of low quality is a serious error precisely because of the characteristics it must guarantee,” commented Asst Sette Laghi.

Focus on mammography screening

On the occasion of Pink October, we want to focus attention on breast cancer screening, which includes… Women between 45 and 74 years old; The first level test is bilateral mammography.
The ATS Insubria screening center supervises the recruitment of women residing in the area: For women ages 50 to 74, mammograms are done every two years, while mammograms are done annually for women ages 45 to 49. Mammography is performed at one of the accredited public or private radiology centers in the region, participating in the screening network. If the test result is negative, the testing center sends a letter to the woman’s home with the result. If the result is questionable or positive, the radiology center contacts the woman directly to take charge of carrying out in-depth examinations, ensuring any subsequent treatment or specialist follow-up.

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He stressed: “We call on all citizens to participate in screening programs, which represent a tangible health opportunity Paolo Bulgeroni, Director of Hygiene and Sanitary Prevention at ATS Insubria We take this opportunity to emphasize that most types of cancer can be prevented by following healthy lifestyles and behaviors. Therefore, it is highly recommended to engage in continuous physical activity, follow a balanced diet, limit alcohol consumption and, above all, not smoke.”


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