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New strain of coronavirus in America and Europe: How dangerous is it?

New strain of coronavirus in America and Europe: How dangerous is it?

Until a few weeks ago, Covid was no longer considered a global health emergency, although the virus continues to spread, mutate and kill. A new variant of the coronavirus, called FLiRT, began appearing in the United States in early 2024. The new strain has emerged around the world, prompting concern among health workers about a spike in cases over the summer. CNBC reports.

FLiRT variants, named for mutations in the genetic code for the variants, are on the rise in Europe and the US, although there is little evidence that the new strains are particularly lethal. At this point it seems unlikely that the new strains will cause a major wave of infections, as has been seen in the past when herd immunity was low, said Jennifer Harney, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Delaware.

However, he noted that new strains could lead to an increase in cases in the coming summer months. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the dominant strain in the United States today is KP.2, up from 3.8% in the previous two weeks to 28.2%. At the end of March. According to the same data, cases of another FLiRT variant, KP.1.1, have also increased and account for 7.1% of current infections. In Europe, cases are on the rise, with the new variant now detected in 14 countries, CNBC reports.

According to Forbes, the new FLiRT variant has several mutations that lead to the production of a protein that is not recognized by antibodies from a previous infection or vaccine. Therefore, if more than six months have passed since the last vaccination or infection, the person is unlikely to be fully protected. Existing antibodies may prevent severe disease, but not infection and subsequent mild disease.

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We know that FLiRT variants have two mutations in their spike proteins (the spike-like protrusions on the surface of the virus) that are not found in JN.1 (the previously dominant strain in the US). Some experts say these mutations could make it easier for the virus to evade the vaccine or people’s immunity from previous Covid-19 battles. But FLiRT variants are otherwise genetically similar to JN.1, which is promising. Although the JN.1 strain emerged during the winter months, when people were more likely to congregate indoors and spread the virus, its symptoms were milder than those caused by variants in the early years of the epidemic.

There is no news yet on whether the flu will be more severe in the FLiRT variant or how the symptoms may change. Because everyone is different, a person’s symptoms and the severity of Covid usually depend on the strain they are infected with and their immune system and overall health. Regarding the data collected and the spread of the virus, which continues to endanger the health of many, Giovanni D’Agata, head of the “Rights Desk”, recommends taking precautions, including tests, masks and good ventilation of rooms. However, vaccines do not prevent you from getting infected.

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