Sunday, September 15, 2024

Il «Pomeregio» by Mirta Merlino, other program collection –


Who is Mirta Merlino, the great journalist who wanted to solve the country’s problems, who listened with equal attention to human issues and public arenas, and who dreamed of being Michele Santoro Parioli? Or the lady well acquainted with the Roman milieu, who, out of her kindness, listens to the desperate housewife?

It is curious that Bianca Berlinger, Massimo Giglietti and Mirta Merlino grew up in the Giovanni Minoli school: You never know how to deal with them, they are the heroes of transformation. Myrta and Bianca are now leaders of Nuova Mediaset, and as for Massimo, he is set to return to Rai to celebrate 70 years of television.

Mirta was given the most difficult task: replacing Barbara D’Urso. How do you replace someone who always said, holding her hand to her chest, “At any time my heart is yours,” someone who turned trash into a vision of life, someone who created an ideal spectator for her, “the godmother Cozzolino di Lorenzana,” a secondary version of the housewife from Foggera?

Far from the rubbish, far from the gossip, far from the “live feelings” too, there is very little left to offer on afternoon television.: So rumors of discontent begin to spread. More was expected from Myrta in terms of ratings, the competition from Alberto Matano was becoming increasingly overwhelming, and his role seemed misplaced.

But what is its role? What will happen? I think the state was not supposed to be dominated by the topics covered by (the famous garbage). But then TV rules. If you’re talking about Alicia Beveri, the woman who left her young daughter to starve, the bloodiest images are the ones that arrive from the court and then descend into the abyss. If you talk about Gina Lollobrigida you enter the great circle: where is her treasure? If you talk about a boy who died of leukemia you trigger “I say this as a mother,” Pain TV. Mirta only smiles when the ad is launched and often “turns the page” as if her program were a hodgepodge of other programs (there are even traces of “Who saw it?”) that lack a recognizable identity. The trash will also be in the contents, but above all in the way it is presented.

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