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“Boom in FDI Members?  They are all Ray executives…” –

“Boom in FDI Members? They are all Ray executives…” –

The real program has not started yet, but the jokes of Fiorello, who is able to joke about all topics, without saving anyone, have already begun to spread. Starting Monday, ‘Waiting for Viva Rai2’ can be watched from 7am, live on Instagram and Rai Play. These are our ‘Technical Awakening Tests’ while we wait for them to go live on Rai2, every morning, starting November 6th. Today, Wednesday, Fiorello’s 8 a.m. satire already made the first point: «Flourishing members of Fratelli d’Italia? They are all executives at Ray… The Sicilian showman, with Fabrizio Biggio, Mauro Casciari and the whole gang, waiting to move to Foro Italico, trains every morning. “We are on TeleMeloni, because those who work for Rai are all TeleMeloni. “Viva Rai2 is the program that Nove didn’t want because we cost too little.” In a (fake) “call” with “Georgia Meloni”, the showman added: “We were not sarcastic or sarcastic, we said that because during the Meloni government, Rai was TeleMeloni. For Monti, for example, it was TeleMonti…” During the event, Fiorello continued his sarcasm: “There was a surge in the number of FdI members, +40%. Lots, it means Schlein has signed up too. One in six comes from Rome and all of them are Ray’s executives…”

Therefore, pre-landing technical tests will be carried out on Rai 2 in the morning and on Radio Due in the afternoon. The rehearsals began on Monday the 16th through an Instagram live broadcast, delivered from an “improvised” location in a bar on Vigna Stelloti Street, in the Roma Nord district. He couldn’t help but talk about football. With several national team players “involved” in the matter of football betting, Fiorello could not help but have his say, as he scrolled through some newspaper headlines, starting with “Corriere dello Sport”: “This is serious, guys. They even risk missing out.” About the European Championships. But thank God they are here now.” Regarding the confession of Nicolo Fagioli, the Juventus midfielder, he said: “Faggioli was zero patience, as I call him. He said it all, and started from the beginning, “I played bingo…”.

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So Fiorello lives in current events – reading them, explaining them, commenting on them, satirizing them. On Tuesday, on the second date, he joked about public television: “Lower Rai license fees? Maybe because Fazio left…And again: “Yesterday I passed by Viale Mazzini and heard a groan…” Fiorello could not help but joke about the return of Fabio Fazio and his “Che Tempo Che Fa”, starting from his classic newspaper review and from the article in which he was talking about a maneuver by the Meloni government: “We must say that this maneuver ensures that the Rai license fee is lower, as it has now fallen to less than 70 euros. Maybe because Fazio left? “I passed by Viale Mazzini and I heard moaning, and everyone was crying – he joked again -. This is how things turned out, and this will inevitably have repercussions on the programs. “The Horse and the Tower” would become “The Mule and the Roof”; “Tale e Quale Show” would be “It’s a bit like a show.” Casciari will be sold to Rai Yoyo…”

Testing is promising and Fiorello appears to be doing well