Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fraud against the INPS, the Milan prosecutor’s office is seeking the indictment of Sant’Anse and his accomplice. Democrats: “Resign”


OffGiuseppe Gustella

The minister is at risk of being sued for managing redundancy payments during the pandemic. The companies Visibilia Editora and Visibilia Concessionaria are involved

The Milan public prosecutor’s office has requested an indictment Daniela Santange and two others including the minister’s partner Dimitri Kunzand to institutions know Publishers e Visible Contributors In an investigation into the gross fraud against INPS in the management of retrenchment funds during the Covid pandemic.

Apart from the tourism minister and his companion, the charge sheet demand is also worrying Paolo Giuseppe ConcordiaExternal collaborator with personnel management functions Visible editor e Visible Contributors. According to the prosecutors, not only during that period, but “from May 31
2020 to 28 February 2022″, the two companies were managed by Santanza and Kunz, but both, along with Concordia, would have remained. Learned that requested and received “incorrectly”.A total of 13 employees were retrenched to a redundancy fund “to support businesses affected by the effects” of the Covid pandemic.

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Deputy Laura Bedio and lawyers Marina Gravina and Luigi Luci recorded in the minutes the words of the staff during the hearing, who confirmed that the minister knew: he Employees knew they were working continuouslyWhen the pension company pays more 126 thousand euros, for a total of 20,000 hours, “directly as compensation to employees or the organization”. In particular, it can be read in the documents of the investigations carried out by the economic and financial police unit of the GDF, more than 36 thousand euros “for the benefit of Visibilia editor”, for seven employees, and almost 90 thousand euros in favor of the concessionaire for six workers.

As soon as the results of the investigations were announced, the Tourism Minister said that he “Surprise in strugglesI believe it is documented in the documents that I was not involved in any corporate decision regarding the methods of firing certain employees, and that he believed the matter would end with the prosecutor’s dismissal “or if it did, with the preliminary hearing judge’s decision, the case and the cause of action cannot be decided at the preliminary hearing. Our constitutional According to the law, no one can be considered guilty until the final outcome of the three-stage verdict. I am sure that this time too the verdict of the judges will go against the wishes of my political opponents.».

The reaction of the secretary of the Democratic Party was harsh, calling on the Prime Minister to tell the minister to take a step back: “The party is the brothers of Italy – he said. Ellie Schlein – It reveals the minister sent to trial for INPS fraud on Covid funds, while suggesting an anti-vax below Georgia Meloney. We expect the Prime Minister to have minimal respect for institutions Daniela Santanchè must resign».

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May 3, 2024 (Modified May 3, 2024 | 5:26 pm)

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