Tuesday, October 15, 2024

After Iolanda Apostolico, another judge from Catania did not verify the arrest of six migrants in Pozzallo.


Rosario Gubri after Iolanda Apostolico. The least common feature is the venue (the Catania court) and their decision to invalidate arrests ordered by police commissioners for immigrants, thus violating government mandates contained in the Kutrow Decree. The latest case dates back to the last few hours when Judge Kubri did not check the detention […]

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Rosario Gubri After Yolanda Apostolic. The lowest common denominator is place (the Court of Catania) and their decisions invalidating arrests ordered by police commissioners ImmigrantsThus it is against the orders of the Govt DL Goodrow. The latest case in the last few hours, the judge Kubri Not checked Detention Of the six settlers at Pozzallo, the arrangement was made Ragusa Police Commissioner. The judge in question was a colleague of Iolanda Apostolico September 29 Vs rejected the same claim Four Tunisians At the reception center, it effectively defies government mandate. The lawyer helped the immigrants Rosa Emanuela Lo Faro and lawyer Fabio Presenti. Judge Rosario Gubri’s six different rules, as we learn, are based on Can’t be overstated each other due to similarity of cases.

One of the activities is a The 37-year-old Tunisian landed in Lampedusa on October 3 Later transferred to Pozzallo. The judge in the particular case underlines and recalls the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union, “ Detention An applicant for international protection is “a coercive measure which deprives the applicant of his freedom of movement and isolates him from the rest of the world.” populationhe must reside permanently within a defined and controlled perimeter”. “It follows – he observes – that detention is a Size Deprivation of individual liberty can be legally achieved only in the presence of justifying conditions provided by law. Remember that too Court of Cassation It was established that “domestic law is incompatible with that of the Union”. does not match by the National Judge”.

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The Court underlines that “Request International security not subject to any sacred formula” and in the case of the 37-year-old Tunisian whose application “must be considered upon entering the border. Lampedusa” and his claim that “the one signed in Ragusa cannot be considered a border procedure”. “As already stated in earlier judgments of this Court activities Check the detentions involving Tunisian citizens and share their reasons This judgment – The judge also observes – the law provides for financial guarantee, which is not really an alternative measure to detention. Administrative requirement 2013/33/Ur imposed on the applicant before recognizing the rights granted by the Directive, for the sole fact that he claims International security“.


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