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Codogno, four days of waiting before hospitalization in medicine: saturated amber

Codogno, four days of waiting before hospitalization in medicine: saturated amber

The medical department of the Codogno Hospital is full. And in the emergency room, there are those who are waiting for a bed in the ward for 3-4 days, while someone is admitted to surgery, although he should go to medicine. On Monday there were six “support” (as they say in technical jargon) patients in surgery, but operators confirmed that even greater numbers had been reached. «It always happened that someone went to ‘support’ surgery, for the simple fact that major operations are not performed in Codogno, so the person was discharged from surgery immediately, within a day or two – the doctors explained -. On the other hand, in medicine, hospitalization is longer, and you can stay in the hospital for three weeks, a month, and it is always full. For 1-2 patients at most – the insiders continue. The number of patients today, 6-8 patients who have to go into medicine and undergo surgery, is very high. In any case, the patients are being followed up by the medical staff. So adequate care is ensured. But the defect remains. The second problem is always the same. Staff shortage. Among the nurses there were those who worked 100, 200, 300 hours of overtime last year. And who has 60 days arrears of vacation and more. Conditions that cause exhaustion to many. “There is no respite. They explode »condemns Visi’s secretary Gianfranco Benamini. In this regard, a meeting will take place this morning in the hospital between the nurses and the director of the company to find a solution. At the end of December, the trade unionist called for a state of agitation, and issued An ultimatum to Lodi’s aide to change the shift by January 10. After that, staff will refuse to work any more overtime. “The population is getting older and the territory’s needs are clearly greater than the number of medical beds,” Bignamini notes. “That’s why, instead of opening an oncology department, In Codogno, it would be better to develop a geriatric medicine that dilutes the standard “medicine”.

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