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bonus casa under 36

How to order and how much is it?

The transition between the old and the new year always brings with it the inevitable novelty from a point of view Standards Based on Rules control the lives of citizens. It happens to Italians of all ages, but they probably are younger generations to appear more interested in change, in the hope that the new provisions will help them face the difficulties of an increasingly uncertain future.

There is still a lot in fact Children who use their parents’ financial assistance To deal with everyday life, while plans for future autonomy remain in the drawer. In an effort to improve this situation, a new facility for younger citizens has been created: it First home bonus for Italians under 36.

First home bonus for those under 36 years old: what the legislation says

From now on (and for a time that still seems finite, but is destined to vary according to the success of the initiative), it will be a little easier for young people from all over Italy to imagine moving to live in residence different from those of the family. And this is by not having to rent but rather By purchasing the property directly.

The new First Home Bonus for those under 36 can actually be used by those young people who can declare that they have purchased a new home in the covered period. Between June 24, 2021 and December 31, 2022. In this case, the age bar entered by the CEO led by Mario Draghi among the default recipients includes all those who were born Starting in 1986 (Even).

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So they must be no more than 35 years old in the year the act was determined. But there are also other perks at stake: they’ll have to prove that they’re still under a domain 40 thousand euros from ISEE per year The maximum loan amount cannot exceed the specified amount a 250mila euro. On the other hand, it is not a prerequisite Ensure the stability of professional work: You can actually apply to the banks participating in the initiative even if you are unemployed.

First Home Bonus for Under 36: How to Get a Loan

But how do you get this reward? These are the instructions: you have to do Go to the Consap site, the company under the Ministry of Economy and Finance that deals with the guarantee of subsidized loans; Then click on the and youth(located in the upper right part of the screen) and choose the “First Home Finance” option; then you have to scroll down to the item “To access the 80% Guaranteed Fund”.

So it is necessary to download appropriately And fill it in all its parts with the personal data of the applicant. Finally, it is necessary to make the transition to your bank, making sure (always on the Consap site) that among those who guarantee coverage of the loan: the interested party must Go to the counter With the above form, identification document and Isee declaration.

By the Sostegni bis Decree of May 25, 2021, the state guarantee on these mortgages has been increased from the previous 50% to 80%: this gives banks more incentive to give loans to these people as well “low merit”, that is, it is economically unreliable enough for credit. According to data recorded in December 2021, there are already many applications for support (More than 46 thousand): an unequivocal indication of the success of the operation.

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