Friday, July 26, 2024

Pension reform / Greece is the new retirement paradise


Greece is a new paradise for retirees

As Giornale puts it, “Greece is the new tax haven for those who want to enjoy their retirement. Similar to Portugal which approved a law in favor of the elderly, to attract those with life allowance, Athens and the Greek islands have also provided interesting incentives.” However, the Milan newspaper explains that “while Portugal did not impose zero taxes (now raised to 10%) for ten years for those with a pension, they moved to the Lusitian territory, Greece imposed annual taxes at 7%, again for ten years. , which has attracted the attention of thousands of retirees from European countries.Thus, the target is people over the age of 60 who have so far turned to Portugal or Eastern European countries to look for more favorable tax conditions, especially considering that the Italian tax on pensions Pensions are among the highest in Europe: between 23% and 43%, depending on income. There will likely be many retirees who will move to Greece, which is closer than Portugal to Italy.

Annuity reform, Altria words

In Ferrara, as La Nuova Ferrara explains, yesterday there was a set of signatures by the political movement of the Great North “to promote a petition calling for total tax relief of pensions paid to citizens, and a separation in the INPS budget from revenue and from expenditures relating to the part of Social Security compared to the part related to welfare and the establishment of macro-regional pension funds to ensure equitable pensions.” There was also talk of pension reform measures still required in Gorizia, where the local Anap, explains, has awarded five craftsmen. Indeed, President Alcide Bidut noted the work that the National Association of Seniors and Pensioners in Confartigianato continues to do at the national level to advocate for the purchasing power of pensions, health improvement, active aging and other issues in the social sphere. The battle, which is taking place on a regional level, has fallen back on the specific needs of some of the care services that retirees need.

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Annuity reform, Altria words

In an article published in Sole 24 ore, Giovanni Tria recalls that “Parliament seems to have reached an agreement in principle on the power of attorney law for tax reform. The most involved point is that of the need to reduce the direct tax burden, i.e. personal income tax, on the classes with Lower median income.But as to the potential dimension of this reduction, the seemingly forgotten topic in the discussion is the possible shift in the tax from direct taxes (Irpef) to indirect taxes (VAT), that is, from income from factors of production, which is in Earpf’s case made substantial income from the business, as well as from annuities, to impose taxes on consumption. Minister Tremonti called this shift “from people to things”.

tax transfer

According to the former Minister of Economy, this is “a very strange forgetting because in a common European period, the traditional recommendation of the European Commission is evaded. A recommendation based on the fact that this shift in tax favors equal growth. tax burden Inclusive. The reason is that the tax wedge that goes into production costs will decrease, resulting in an increase in the after-tax reward. But this shift in the tax will also be beneficial for growth because it defines “monetary devaluation”, since the value-added tax does not affect exports, while it affects the consumption of imported goods and services equally in relation to those produced on the national territory. In this way international competitiveness is restored.”

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