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“I couldn't stop, I asked for help”

“I couldn't stop, I asked for help”

Affari Tuoi goes from a simple quiz to a show for people. Since Amadeus brought the program back to television, the Parcel Game has turned into a television affair, with renewed and perhaps unexpected success for a format once thought to be forgotten. One of the aspects that distinguished the Amadeus version of Affari Tuoi was that there was more space for the competitors and their stories, but in February 17th episode We definitely saw something unusual compared to the classic dynamics of the transmission.

There are players from Friuli Venezia Giulia, and especially from Udine I, accompanied by her sister. After opening a series of less than convenient packages, the doctor's suggested package change arrived. At that point, faced with the need to decide whether to accept or not, Anna made space for herself:

I don't want to say too much about help/non-help, I'm not used to receiving help and unfortunately I'm not even used to asking for it. I'll tell you something else: A year ago I had already hit rock bottom, but it seemed like I was going up the hill. Then one day I got up and went to do my errands and started crying. I usually don't change, I'm the one who carries the weight, I don't show weakness, I persevere, that day I couldn't stop. I went to the mental health center and thank the wonderful people there.

In front of these words, Amadeus gave her all the necessary space, while the competitor struggled to hold back her tears and continued as follows: “I felt like a fool, I thought there were people worse off than me and wondered why I couldn't fight back. I wondered what was wrong with me and realized there was nothing wrong with me, all I had to do was understand myself. This is what I mean: If there is.” You need to ask for help. Now I don't know if the doctor wanted to help me, but I went there impulsively, looked for help and was saved. Okay, I refuse, thank you and we will continue a little further.

Hence the choice not to change packages. But the result of the match itself is relatively important, because from a television point of view, what is interesting is precisely the transformation, subtle but not radical, of a format like Affari Tuoi which, in addition to the gaming element, becomes a container of experiences and the past, in this case linked to an increasingly important topic. In the public debate as mental health, as the Sangiovanni case in recent days has shown even more.