Tuesday, October 8, 2024

From Easter, Palms to Easter Monday, the most reliable first trend line “ILMETEO.it has arrived.


Weather: From Easter, Palms to Easter Monday, the most reliable first trend line has arrived

The final warming is comingThanks Seasonal trends We can already begin to get an idea of ​​the expected time for next April, which includes Palm Sunday, Easter and Easter Monday. Thanks to scientific progress, long-term predictions a Valid tool Weather forecast that allows you to see a general level of expected temperature and rainfall.

Knowing this we can confirm that next month April promises to be very volatile Before the weather, after a long drought phase. The responsibility for this potential atmospheric release must be stated last “Stratwarming” That Are constantly stressed Above the North Pole: This is an unusual one Warming of the stratosphere Causing the decay of Polar vortex In many areas. This kind of kinetics is capable The weather was devastating In the short term, impacts will occur in our country as well. And attention, the news has now arrived, the latest trend in computer centers is one marked by the red pencil: after a long dry period Troubles may return We need to provide relief to our thirsty territory!

This event is possible Stratospheric warming Both final (Final Stratwarming) Or is called Large final sudden stratospheric warming (Big Final Warming, MFW).

Attention, there is no exception. This is normal. “Seasonal decay“, Due to the effects of thermodynamics, viz As a result of solar radiation re-heating the polar region.
These are all translated In an intensity Global warmingSlightly above the Arctic, in the order of 40 C for a few days. Once activated, this heating gradually expands towards the upper tropics Impact On Polar vortex in about 2-4 weeks: The tropical region decreases immediately, in fact, is forced to disintegrate (displacement of the polar vortex) or split into at least 2-3 distinct minimums. (Splitting, breaking of the polar vortex), It then travels towards the middle latitudes, causing cold waves to the heart of the old continent, and is therefore a common mixture of air masses for our country as well.

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Effects in Italy – After weeks of anticyclonic dominance in central-western Europe, something can be done in early April Open at atmospheric level: Weather conditions can cause a decisive shake.
Let’s see how by expanding our vision to the entire hemisphere The infamous Gateway to the Atlantic may already be open again from the first days of April and at least until Palm Sunday (April 10).: This word in meteorological terms means that there is no barrier to obstacles descending from the sea so that they can reach our country. Definitely rainy weather phases To many Italian regions. The most direct effect is to have one Excess rainfallEspecially in the central-north.

In the south and large islands On the other hand we do not rule out the possibility The first flames of heat Thanks to a reviewer who came in directly from North Africa Subtropical anticyclone. As there is still more temporary distance, we will have the opportunity to talk about it in the next update. At this point, predictions for Easter and Easter Monday seem to be following this trend, with repeated degenerate sinks descending from the North Atlantic interspersed with brief anticyclonic relapses. We can not go into details as there is still more temporary distance, for this reason we advise you to stay updated with our future editorials.

Final warming on the North PoleFinal warming on the North PoleBeginning of April: Atlantic disturbances returnBeginning of April: Atlantic disturbances return


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