Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The United States and the European Union are reopening girls’ schools for the Taliban


(ANSA) – Washington, March 24 – Six countries, including the United States, have called on the Taliban to “reconsider” their decision to close middle schools for girls. Representatives from France, Italy, Norway, the United States, Canada and Great Britain and the European Union have warned that the decision could have “harmful consequences for women” but could undermine Afghanistan’s ambition to become a respected member. The international community reads, “We condemn the Taliban’s decision on March 23 to deny many Afghan girls the opportunity to go back to school.” The decision comes after several months of work by the international community to support teachers’ salaries based on the promise that schools will be open to all “note continues.” We urge the Taliban to rescind this decision, which will have repercussions. Beyond harming Afghan girls, it could deeply undermine Afghanistan’s opportunities for social cohesion and economic development, as well as its ambition to become a respected member of the international community and the desire of Afghans returning from abroad. , Italy, Norway, Canada, Great Britain and the European Union Read More Has “. (ANSA).

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