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Frost falls from Toffanin - Libero Quotidiano

Frost falls from Toffanin – Libero Quotidiano

embarrassment very right for Silvia Tovanen. To make the Channel 5 host blush pious And the amedeoGuests of the Saturday 24 September episode. Here the couple announced the comeback astounded, which will be broadcast on Wednesday. But not only that, because comedians did not avoid several arrows, often willingly targeting the presenter and her partner. king Pier Silvio Berlusconi It ended up in the middle of many jokes: “I’ve interviewed many businessmen who say ‘stress’. We don’t do anything, we’re a miracle. Poor people who work, those who really work, there’s stress…”, Amedeo began while Tovanen agreed.

But nevertheless, Amedeo continued: “I did nothing, and now they pay me too, he thinks. Your husband pays me (Berlusconi and Tovanin never married, editor).Take advantage of the money you get For giving it to me, unbelievable,” Beau added as the presenter burst into laughter.

But that’s not all, because Tovanin asked then to be able to broadcast a preview of the program. The request immediately stirred up the two: “You are the owner, you can do whatever you want.” Finally, the last address with Amedeo who said: “The President (Berlusconi, editor) Take a trip with xanasBecause sending these things at prime time is crazy.”

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