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"I won't vote as long as Letta is there".  'Friendly fire' falls on PD

“I won’t vote as long as Letta is there”. ‘Friendly fire’ falls on PD

The countdown has begun in Largo del Nazareno. The clash will begin on September 26 Enrico LettaAn increasingly unloved secretary inside and outside the “Palazzo.”

A kind of internal boycott takes place. A large group of parliamentarians, quite secretly, are hoping for a failure of the Democratic Party to remove Letta. Dissatisfaction is especially high among those who have not been reappointed and are under qualified status. “They’re not too angry. They want to see him dead.”They say that, recalling that the Democratic Party secretary appointed children, leaving MPs at home “for five years of bothering …”. Some would even be willing to not vote for Pd. One of them, with microphones strictly off, admits: “This Pd Inevitable. At least as long as Letta is … “. His mistake, they explain, reduced the presence of internal minorities “3% of your value”. “But how can you support it if you don’t have Congress to ratify it?”They ask within the party.

Voting appeals are futile

One of the delisted MPs notes: “Actually. Leta ignores itself, there is no organized action. There is only a completely false election campaign.. Pay more attention to ‘The danger of fascism’ Recent polls showing a decline in the Democratic Party have not yielded the desired results. The latest episode of ‘Russia-gate’ has blown up like a soap bubble. Calls for an effective referendum have fallen on deaf ears considering recent public opinion polls have given the Third Pole more than 7% and the M5S 12-15%. It is for this reason that Leta is now betting everything “40-45%” Undecided voters.

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In this case, the conflict within the Democratic Party is increasing day by day. Leta and Vincenzo de Luca do not speak to each other. “Governor is not campaigning for Democrats, only for his son”Those in the know confirm. Dario FrancesiniOn the contrary, it is very cold and quiet. He is already thinking about establishing himself and protecting his current humans. The ex-Rencians would side with Stefano Bonacini, while the Gypsies would be on a common front with the Orlandians. The Left Party must decide who to nominate between Undersecretary Giuseppe Provenzano and Vincenzo Amendola. “After the vote, not even a single Lettiano will exist anymore”Goffredo Bettini, Michele Emiliano and Francesco Boccia vouch for some of the dem exponents. “They will return to office to ally with Giuseppe Conte”. “They’re the ones who boycott the Democratic Party, saying that voting for us or Chinkestell is indifferent.”Bidini say Conte’s shadow hanging over the next congress is almost certain.