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Elections 2022, Evi (Verdi): "The Pd-Calenda agreement is unacceptable, excludes us"

Elections 2022, Evi (Verdi): “The Pd-Calenda agreement is unacceptable, excludes us”

“I’m not very optimistic.” Eleonora Evi, co-spokesperson of the European Green Party, responded to Adnkronos about the possibility of narrowing the center-left alliance, considering the political elections of 25 September 2022, after the meeting was postponed, already scheduled today. Enrico Letta. The agreement signed yesterday between the Democratic Party and Action-More Europe “makes one thing very clear: it excludes everything else. And we are all other”..

Is the postponement of the meeting with Leta a prelude to a breakup? “Today we have not confirmed the meeting because we need time to reflect with Europa Verdi and the Italian left. Since yesterday After the treaty between Leta and Calenda the conditions became objective. A deal we cannot accept From multiple angles starting from contents and programs. From what we have read, there is no point in contacting us and no response to climate and social crisis issues. Then there is also the question of method”.

which “The agreement between them is formal, but it says a very clear thing. That is, it excludes everyone else, we are the first to start a dialogue and a conflict to unite the democratic field. We see an agreement with the Italian left that excludes a political force like Verdi, which, according to the polls, weighs as much as Action, and even more … As we said, there is great restlessness among our people who aim to fully represent the environmental and leftist cause.

But isn’t that also a question of electoral pacts? Leta and Calenda have 70% of colleges agree with Democrats and 30% with centrists…need a rebalance? “We are still at a point of conflict between us Going down this path, it is clear that restructuring is necessary if we continue together“.

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There are rumors that You will be in touch with Giuseppe Conte To make a lesson to the left of the Democratic Party, is that true? “There are no connections at present. However, I can say that there is a reflection going on in this hypothetical path as well. But it must also be said that going fragmented will only help the victory of the right wing and a dangerous fascist slide.” .

What does Letta have to do to keep you in? “If you want to re-enact a work on issues, Letta’s message is this: leave something behind and be an ecologist“. But will there be a match tomorrow?” I don’t know yet whether tomorrow or the day after.”