Friday, July 26, 2024

The Democratic Party’s consensus is already in jeopardy. Verdi, C and De Maio’s Doubts – Politics


The Democratic Party has landed Carlo Calenda, but risks traveling without the Italian left and Green Europe, and losing Luigi Di Maio. Following the agreement signed by Action with Dem, the Left Alliance blasted a planned afternoon meeting with Enrico Letta, “in the face of deep unrest in the country and especially at the centre, supporting reflection”. Left voter complex “. Ev and Si ask for “a renegotiation” to the “program profile that speaks to center-left people” so that there are “conditions for an agreement”. But Calenda closes: “The process is not ready to do so. The Draghi agenda is central to that agreement and will remain so. End of the matter”. In the evening comes the warning from Di Maio, who was displeased with the meeting with Letta just before: “Civic commitment requires respect and equal treatment. Otherwise the founding principle of a coalition will fail”. The left has ‘bridges’ in the process of healing the fracture. “It is important to do everything to unite all leftists and environmentalists in this goal – clarified Nicola Zingaretti – and it is important to give clear signals, and I am sure that this is the path to be followed”. The situation is complex, With the leader of the Democratic Party, “one of those who are determined to understand on what basis we can resume dialogue with the parties of Angelo Bonelli and Nicola Fratoianni, who see the conditions in which we worked, have changed in recent days. “, the message said, asking them to adjourn their meeting with Letta an hour before it was scheduled for 15:00.” Budget policies, waste-to-energy plants and the two leaders, the left for Leta and I to the center “Just before Calenda Sky explained his agreement with the Democratic Party:” Leta has signed it. If you can’t find Fratoyani, please clarify before joining the alliance. My interlocutor is Enrico Letta “. According to what was filtered by Ev-Si, excessive protagonist attitude, ratings were reset, according to which the Democratic Party could lose 14 to 22 colleges without them. “Yesterday’s agreement with Calenda, with that program profile – explained Bonelli – no longer speaks to center-left figures. “. At the same time from the M5s, vice-president Alessandra Tote noted that “it would be right to try to create a common path” with Bonelli and Fratoianni. Giuseppe Conte’s party is carefully watching the agonies of Si and Ev, who may eventually decide to run alone. For more insight From Nazarene, the demands of Ev and Si are considered reasonable and understandable: we are sure that we can find a group, even after the new obstacle raised by the action, without hiding the problems. Speaks to the center-left establishment. A centre-left alliance is considered as broad as possible, in the logic of democracy, to counter the opportunities of the centre-right. However, such optimism was put to the test by Di Maio’s scathing statement shortly after Bruno Tabacci met Letta alla Camera. According to some rumors circulating in parliamentary circles, not confirmed by those directly involved, civic engagement is targeting a dozen seats. Di Maio could eventually give up even the right to directly compete with his list if the Democrats offer one or a little more, the same sources indicate. “In alliances – the Minister of Foreign Affairs clarified – mutual respect must prevail for all who are part of it”. On the other hand, the relationship with Iv is illuminating. In Nazareno, the comments of Maria Elena Boschi are considered inappropriate and elegant, according to which Emma Bonino said “no” to Matteo Renzi “because in 2014 he was not confirmed as Minister of Foreign Affairs”. The judgments on the former European commissioner, minister, a character who has affected civil rights not only in Italy but also many times are justified, the story gives it, while hate is not a type of politics.

Right of Tribunal – The Letta-Calenda agreement provides that no party secretary or former FI and M5 can be candidates in single-member constituencies, so the Democratic Party gives its democratic and progressive “proportional list of leaders of parties. And movements that become part of the coalition “: the so-called Right of Tribunal. 3% risk-free and this opportunity is attractive to those who lead unselected forces. In Transatlantico, one immediately thinks of Bruno Tabacci and Luigi Di Maio, the founders of civic engagement. Indeed, yesterday the Foreign Minister met with Letta, sowing havoc among the most loyal parliamentarians: “There was a fear that if he accepts the right of the tribunal he will abandon us and jump the civic commitment”. Di Maio summons his men and the conflict begins.

Renzi attacks alone – Although Letta and Calenda have officially announced that they have no vetoes, the leader of IV now seems ready to contest the center alone. “The alliance between the Democratic Party, Action and + Europe has little to do with politics, if we share ideas we are together,” comments Matteo Renzi, in an interview with ‘Qn’, admitting that he was with Letta. Only a phone call of “two minutes and forty seconds” in which Secretary Dem told him that “he didn’t want Italia Viva in the coalition because he thought we were losing more votes than he was gaining. That was the maximum of the conversation that Enrico explained,” he declares. And on the ‘right to stand’ hypothesis for Di Maio, he blurts out: ‘Letta proposed a right to stand. What does that mean? All the party leaders in the guarantee coalition have to be the head of the PD so they enter the parliament. Now it seems that he has agreed to take this seat and compete with the icon of the PD, Luigi Di Maio. My friends, but where is the dignity?”.

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The meeting is the solution to untie the nomination knot – A deal between Calenda, Della Vedova and Letta is concluded after two hours of conversation. When a draft agreement already written by the Executive Chairman arrives at the Pd before work begins, the meeting risks starting off on the wrong foot. However, dialogue opens that leads to understanding. Among the points of agreement is the division of single-member seats: 70% for the Democratic Party and 30% for Action + Europe. But, above all, a way is found to avoid the ban of “awkward candidates”. Between Calenda’s request not to nominate Fratoianni, Di Maio and Bonelli among the consensus candidates, and the intention not to veto the names of the Democratic Party, the solution is to take all the big names back a step. “We have all shown a great sense of responsibility – Letta said – Italy is more valuable than internal debates”.

Comments – “The PD-Action alliance highlights the forces in the field in the next election. The conventional left will compete with the center-right and the FdI. The Democratic Party, the extreme left and the Action, the rib of the Democratic Party. The MEP elected for the Democratic Party is the leader Carlo Calenda. “The alternative to the left is the end of the story of the active moderate party, the enemy of all taxes, welfare and the productive class,” declares the president of Fratelli d’Italia. Georgia Meloney. “The action blows the mask. This is the fifth column of the Democrats and the left. Apart from the plan to create a new center, apart from the Draghi government, there are still few places in the service of those who want property,” he wrote on Twitter. Antonio Tajani, National Coordinator of Forza Italia. Yesterday’s agreement between Pd and Calenda was a happy brigade uniting Di Maio, Fratoianni, Calenda, Gelmini, Letta, Speranza: so zero coherence, zero commitment. I found that to be the only point in the agreement. Block allocation”, reiterates the club president. Matteo Salvini. “Good luck to the big crowd” is the M5S leader’s witty quip Giuseppe Conte.

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