Saturday, July 27, 2024

Open Arms Investigation, Attorney Pongiorno: “Evidence Excluded from Documents in Support of Salvini”


Palermo lawyer Giulia Pongiorno speaks of the missing evidence from the release of Carlosio’s senator, first minister of the Conte government, and Matteo Salvini’s bodyguard in the open arms investigation, as well as the head of the interior, Carrosio. Facts at the time.

“Yesterday, during a hearing in Palermo Court on the open arms issue of August 2019, it was revealed that there would be vital evidence – Giulia Pongiorno declares – that they were not included in the action. Subject to the ship’s intervention, it must be determined that it is not in danger as much as necessary.

Evidence of fundamental importance, according to the lawyer, which also explains the reason. As is well known, according to international traditions, the rescue operation can only proceed in the event of an immediate danger – Pongierno continues. Well, from this video it appears that the small boat would have been at the right float and the weather would have been much better. But there are other features that point to the lawyer code. “There will be other elements – he declares – which will reveal discrepancies in the behavior of the NGO Open Arms. In particular, they will question the fact that they occasionally found the ball. Video activity is not included. Therefore, the defense of Senator Matteo Salvini will provide the request for this video and information on conflicts in the conduct of open arms.

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