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List of "dangerous" foods, ADI raises the alarm

List of “dangerous” foods, ADI raises the alarm

Food poisoning affects more and more Italians. Among the innumerable causes, the heat of this period also increases the risk.

The ADI, the Italian Association of Dietitians and Clinical Nutritionists, explains how to avoid falling into potentially toxic infections. Also especially when we go on vacation.

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When talking about food poisoning, we should not only consider Attractive cases. Like Ferrero chocolate, or chocolate these days Famous brand snacks contaminated with salmonella. Our habits can also be dangerous, especially during the summer.

Then ADI revealed a series of Advice The guidelines for Raising citizens’ awareness and learned how Avoid dangerous conditions. And it’s more frequent than you can imagine. right in our homes.

Food poisoning, pay attention to preservation and hygiene, there are many bacteria that can cause us serious illnesses

In recent months, we have unfortunately understood what it means to come into contact with bacteria salmonella or with that Listeria. But digging deeper, we find that There are more than 250 types of poisoning of food. Even from different origins.

In fact, a lot can arise Not only animal and/or plant toxins. Diseases of varying degrees are also manifested by eating contaminated foods Chemicals and/or pollutantsSuch as Mercury in whale or me Pesticides in fruits and vegetables. ADI’s reports, speaking in numbers, provide a clear picture of the current situation worldwide.

Every year in the world there are more than 350 thousand cases of poisoning and more than 300 thousand interventions for related conditions. It means, by calculations, that a proportion of the population was affected by about 30%.

So it is clear that We are all exposed to precarious situations. And when they do not come from Errors during industrial processingWe can actively protect ourselves. Learn to practice Simple rules for hygiene and food storage.

See also - ​​International Foreign Press Agency

Listeria is also cold-resistant, watch out for these foods

The bacteria ListeriaWhen a person “contaminates”, it can provoke Serious damage to health. And people who are more fragile, such as children, the elderly and pregnant women, are at greater risk.

This bacteria is found very often Cured meatas well as in Raw or cooked meat at low temperatures, but also in cheese made from unpasteurized milk and in the milk itself. Even frozen foods are not “safe” because Listeria survives even at refrigerator temperature.

remember it To beat mold and bacteria it is necessary to cook Foods for one temperature above 120 degrees. To ensure that we can purchase Kitchen Thermometers / Sensors at reasonable prices.

The (simple) hygiene rules that protect us from toxic infection

To protect ourselves, we can and indeed We have to implement some simple practices. First of all, it is necessary Handling food in clean environments and with clean tools. The refrigerator is a “vessel” for bacteria, if not maintained properly. We can clean it by cleaning it water and vinegarand above all by dispensing eat properly.

Never let raw meat touch other foods, for example. The leftovers It should not be placed on a plate, but should be closed airtight containers. Naturally, Never put cooked food that is still hot in the refrigerator.

also in kitchen We must pay close attention to Clean work surfaces, especially wooden cutting boards. Advice is also Wash your hands often when touching different foodsOr as soon as we get back from the supermarket.

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