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Dozens of cities

“Earth Hour” is the world’s largest environmental campaign. Lights went out in big cities around the world. This campaign is aimed at promoting the economic use of resources. But not only that.

Light for Climate Protection: People in many cities around the world have the opportunity to participateEarth time“(German: Earth time) set a precedent for environmental protection. At 8:30 pm local time, the lights were turned off in well-known buildings: in addition to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the Kremlin in Moscow, the Colosseum in Rome and the Acropolis in Athens. Here you will get an overview.

In New Zealand, the lights went out on the Sky Tower surveillance and telecommunications tower in Auckland, one of the earliest countries, and on the Parliament building in the capital, Wellington. Then in Berlin the Brandenburg Gate, the symbol of the end of the German and European divisions since 1990, was in the dark. The results are North American, but New York airwaves are no big difference on normal days.

Private homes also turned off the lights

In the Global Fund for Nature (WWF) Started the activities and the citizens also participated and turned off the lights in their apartment. “Earth Hour” aims to set a precedent for climate and environmental protection. Darkness means wasting resources and making people think.

Artist Jonathan Park (bottom) at the former Iron and Steel Works at Northeastern Park in Duisburg did not light up during the “Earth Hour”. (Source: Bernd Disen / DPA)

In Germany, the WWF expects record participation: Accordingly, 575 cities and municipalities and 448 companies in 716 locations wanted to participate. Across the country, lights went out in many town halls, churches, monuments, the company headquarters and stadiums. For example, New Schweinstein Castle, Cologne Cathedral, Frankfurt Balschirch and Stuttgart TV Tower, but also industrial monuments such as Duisburg Landscape Park and football stadiums such as the Manchengladbach and Schalke.

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Lights from Sydney to the Vatican

Many cities around the world participated, including the world-famous Opera House, Singapore, Tokyo, the Kremlin, Moscow and Sydney. The Eiffel Tower in Paris disappeared into darkness for an hour, the Ferris wheel in London and the Piccadilly Circus, in the Vatican St. Peter’s Basilica. In Brussels, the lights of EU Commission buildings went out. The commission chairman tweeted that small actions could make a big difference Ursula van der Leyen. “Especially when the world works together.”

The WWF has called for a massive increase in the pace of expansion of renewable energy, with a view to holding federal elections and future federal government. The share of clean energy from wind and sun should increase to 80 percent of total electricity consumption by 2030. In addition, all climate-damaging subsidies should be eliminated.

“Earth Hour” was announced by the WWF for the 15th time. The opening shot was once fired in Sydney’s Australian capital, on March 31, 2007, when about 2.2 million people turned off the lights – thus making history. Due to the corona epidemic, the ecosystem has been excluded from public events for the second year in a row with a large audience.