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From INPS up to 10,000 euros to the account immediately, download the application

Diabetes is a very common disease in Italy.

However, many diabetics suffer without realizing it.

Ansa / Danilo Nardone

Constant and exaggerated thirst and a feeling of tiredness and fatigue as well. Symptoms that often lead many Italians to understand that they have diabetes. Yes, but how many diabetics are there in Italy?

Help that can be of great value

Diabetics in our country There are more than 4 million. So we’re talking about a massively widespread disease and INPS is interested in helping them.


In fact, INPS as we know It’s not just about providing pensions But it also deals with offering a wide range of assistance to those who find themselves in certain situations of pathology or difficulty. INPS help for diabetics is very diverse and interesting But they are also significantly differentiated according to the severity of the pathology, so it is useful to understand the tangible help that can be obtained. are already benefiting from. Diabetes is a very special disease because it can appear in mild forms that need very simple treatments But it can also be so dangerous that it seriously puts the life of a diabetic patient at risk.

Great help based on the degree of disability

Diabetics can have effects Really disabling of this disease to the point of difficulty in the movements of daily life. INPS has a series of very different helplines based on the type of diabetes you have. clearly The center of it all is the degree of disability that is caused by diabetes. In fact, depending on your percentage of disability from diabetes, you may be entitled to different help. If the disability is caused by diabetes Above 41% you can enjoy great help from the famous Law 104 of 1992. So if you exceed 41%, you can get work permits as well as help family members But above all you can get a very useful disability allowance.

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Almost 10,000 Euro

If the invalidity is due to reach Exceeding 74%, you can get a civil disability pension, which amounts to €286.81. Even civil disability benefits are received for 13 months. So we are talking about a very interesting character who can be a real help for diabetics. But if you disable it Recognized by the special medical committee that must assess the state of diabetes up to 100% Diabetics earn approximately 10,000 euros each year. This happens because with a 100% disability you get a disability benefit as well as an accompanying benefit. All forms are available on the INPS website.