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Tax agency sites are haywire, Sogei: "No hacker attack, it's just a technical issue"

Tax agency sites are haywire, Sogei: “No hacker attack, it’s just a technical issue”

sites tax agencies they enter tilt. Wednesday afternoon, both of .’s web pagerevenue agency towards thatCustoms and Monopolies Agency It was inaccessible, as it was a gate finance department from Mef and finally those of public accounting and address Revenue collection. However, from what we learn, it is not a matter of a pirate attack Moved simultaneously against all platforms of tax agencies, but the problem to look for in the source, ie sujiA reference company for the Ministry of Economy and Finance with regard to many digital operations. She receives reassurance from the company’s Twitter profile: “Sogei announces that it is not under any cyber attack and that the services are temporarily unavailable due to technical issues.”

The hypothesis of the cyber attack caused concern, since Sogei also includes emergency related services COVID-19Such as green lanewhich thus contains i sensitive data of the citizens. However, even the revenue agency is trying to reassure users: “Our site is temporarily inaccessible due to technical problems. We apologize for the inconvenience. The technology partner is working to resolve the damage as quickly as possible, which has not in any way affected the security of sensitive data,” he tweeted.

And according to what appeared on Wednesday evening, the cause of the sudden “fall” must be sought in one Voltage drop The electrical system that sent the systems into a state of complete meltdown, with checks and investigations still in progress. At around 8pm, Sogei technicians deemed the issue resolved, even if the sites at that time were still unreachable.

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