Saturday, July 27, 2024

Italy raises nearly two billion euros: it's a record, what happened


Crazy takeovers in Italy, where the residents of the Belpes almost reached €2 billion in an absolutely unbelievable and ridiculous way.

The current historical period is certainly not among the most economically prosperous ever, with inflation causing a series of problems among citizens across Europe. The reasons that led to such a situation are multiple, starting with the 2020 pandemic, all the way to today’s wars.

Italy raises 2 billion euros (Canva –

Therefore, it becomes too complicated to even think about being able to pull off a series of financial maneuvers capable of settling the Belbeis family's accounts in the short term. The maneuvers have become increasingly limited, with innovations often aimed at getting citizens to tighten their belts.

However, over the years, we have become more and more focused on the concept of safety, to the point that what is changing most is… Traffic Laws. In fact, the latter is becoming increasingly strict, so as to be able to reduce the number of accidents, as the data for 2023 are encouraging.

Unfortunately, the number of accidents and pedestrian fatalities appears to have resumed its upward trend in 2024, and it is also expected to be another upward year for fines. There is no doubt that the year 2023 was the most difficult year for citizens’ coffers, as revenues from traffic violations reached absurd values.

Record fines in Italy: 1.5 billion in 2023

It is a truly absurd situation regarding fines for traffic violations throughout Italy, where the total value is a financial maneuver. In total, the municipalities were able to obtain a whopping sum of €1.5 billion thanks to the negligence of the citizens of the Bel Bís region.

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2 billion fine (Canva –

Truly impressive numbers that have the sound that have further enriched municipalities in exceeding the speed limit. who are they 1.5 billion euros, He deserves a gold medal in this sad rating milan, The Lombard capital alone bears 10% of the total penalties, amounting to 150 million euros.

Not far away are two other cities that have revolutionized their roads, complicating citizens' lives and causing fines to drop as if there were no such tomorrow. Florence and Rome. However, there are also some striking cases regarding small municipalities, where in any case they do not seem ready to accommodate citizens, but on the contrary.

This is indicated for example with the exciting case of carodano, A small city in the province of La Spezia. The municipality in question boasts only 464 violators strong, but in 2023 a number of fines have been issued so that they could earn a total of €973,000. Naturally, it is not only local citizens who suffer from fines, but above all those who come from abroad and who perhaps do not know some of the points where fines are the norm. cases Collie Santa LuciaIn the province of Belluno, in the amount of 747 thousand euros for 345 people and Kanda, In Rovigo, at 426 thousand euros for 842 citizens.


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