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Asteroid 2001 CB21 will "close" to Earth, then

Asteroid 2001 CB21 will “close” to Earth, then

is called 2001 CB21 Asteroid Of the great magnitude that will come “touching” the ground in the next few days. It has been defined by NASA as “potentially hazardous” to him Its diameter is about 1 kilometerWe will salute our transiting planet 5 million km. So, Fear Not: Once Again The Movie do not search It has nothing to do with it.

Asteroid 2001 CB21, from discovery to today

Asteroid 138971 (2001 CB21) was first identified byItalian astronomer Gianluca Massi From the Virtual Telescope Team. Thanks to the ground-based telescope, Massey was able to do this too immortalized The orb when it was more than 34 million kilometers from our planet.

By studying its path, Massey and other scientists were able to predict that the asteroid will pass “close” to Earth in early March. The news was then confirmed, and the space object will “touch” our planet at the hour 9.00 am on March 4moving at an approximate speed 43.130 km/h.

Dimensions A space stone, four times the size of the Eiffel Tower, Caused it to be cataloged by NASA as ‘Potentially dangerous’ Even if it doesn’t exist, as we repeat There is no danger from collision. The rating is in fact due exclusively to size and certainly not to the “proximity” to our planet, which the car will touch while staying approximately 5 million kilometers (or More than 10 times the distance of the Earth/Moon).

According to the US government agency, which is responsible for the space and aviation program, the “cosmic stone” is considered a potentially dangerous when the distance from the Earth is less than 7.5 million kilometers and its dimensions exceed 150 meters in diameter. A space object of this size could have major impacts in the event of a collision with Earth. no However, the definition speaks Impact potentialThat is why although there are many asteroids classified as dangerous over time, the actual danger is extremely rare.

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So put aside the fear of such a horrific scenario do not search And after making sure that even the asteroid 138971 – 2001 CB21 has nothing dangerous, we can easily enjoy the show.

How do you see the passage of asteroid 138971-2001 CB21

to witness the amazing Passage of asteroid 138971 2001 CB21 You can contact virtual telescope Which will allow you to watch the live broadcast. The show will start at 4.00 (Italian time) on March 4, 2022.