Saturday, July 27, 2024

Not only walking, these three exercises that should be done comfortably in front of the TV will be enough to slim the legs and strengthen the buttocks


With the coming of the new season and, above all, the sunny days, many of us will surely benefit from some exercise.

Some will do it just for personal fun, while others will be busy shedding a few pounds to get back in shape.

Whatever your reason for starting to exercise, we remember the importance of proper preparation and one rule: don’t overdo it.

Indeed, at the age of 20 until the age of 50, unfortunately, often, with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwanting to lose weight quickly, we start training hydrophobic.

To try to avoid collateral physical damage, such as tearing and straining, it is best to reduce the number of movements and treat the lines.

From this point of view, walking at a brisk pace seems like a guarantee: easy, efficient, and suitable for everyone.

To diversify a little and not get bored, we can try these exercises to do it comfortably in front of a TV series.

So, not just walking, to thin legs and firm buttocks, we discover this very easy circuit while following our favorite characters.

The only difference is that instead of lying on the couch, we will be horizontal on the mat.


Let’s lie on the left side, put the head on the opposite arm, while extending the right side forward for support.

From this position, we slide the right foot to the left knee and then extend the leg up.

This will work the adductors, but also the quadriceps and calves.

Not only walking, these three exercises that should be done comfortably in front of the TV will be enough to slim the legs and strengthen the buttocks

To engage the glutes more, we can then perform some repetitions of the back bends.

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We start on the knees, with the arms extended forward and keeping the buttocks and abdomen tense, and the pelvis tilted slightly back.

From this position, gently rock back and forth, being careful to tilt to work properly the muscles.

small heartbeats

We close the circle by training the calves as well, in order to hold the leg evenly.

Let’s lie on the mat, arms outstretched at our sides and work on the legs, which should open up and stretch to mimic the shape of a diamond.

Of course these are just some tips, before tackling any gymnastics session it is always best to consult the professionals in this sector.


Flat stomach and toned belly without straining your back with these quick home exercises

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article and the responsibilities of the author, which can be referenced here”)


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