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"Dona Al Cole? Irritated without names."  Pink revolt in chlorosis

“Dona Al Cole? Irritated without names.” Pink revolt in chlorosis

“Berlusconi in Quirinal? Unacceptable candidacy “.” Dragons? It would be nice to have it in Palazzo Ciki. ” “Matterella-Biz? Maybe …”. These are, in short, the official positions of the yellow and red sequences. In the background there is a candidacy that everyone (in words) wants, but no one (really) really proposes: A woman in the coli.

In support of this hypothesis, the left has lined up all the ultra-brilliant feminists: from Dacia Marini to Michela Murcia, passing through Louisiana Litcetto and Forella Mannoya. ‘Una donna al Quirinale’ is the card that Giuseppe Conte, the leader of the M5S, played for a very short time, but without formalizing a definite proposition. Enrico Letta is determined to protect the image of Mario Tracy, on the other hand, keeps his documents very secretive and is careful not to create a woman’s name. This situation did not cause the slightest discomfort among the ‘Jialorosi’ MPs, he explains, “Everyone keeps saying she’s a woman, but it’s annoying to push a woman inside without saying her name. Deputy Demuthika Patricia Prestibino. In short, “it’s not fair to say Mattarella, Tracy and a woman are beautiful” because “either they come up with a short list of names to think about even between the parties, or – if – it’s not enough to say they need a woman.” The female candidate, especially on the left, says, “In order to emphasize female gender, but – underscores the prestige – if you do not come up with the female gender, talent, and full name, you are thrown into the book of proposals. Power, you are denigrating the role of women.

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Carla Canton, Former Secretary-General of the SPI-CGIL, now a Democrat deputy, although it is desirable to elect a woman in Gale, the real problem is not “woman yes, no woman” but a representation of the values ​​of our constitution and the continuation of what Matterrella has expressed. ” Maria Edera Spatoni, Vice-president of the House of Representatives, makes a very straightforward response: “Instead of saying” I like a woman, “I should think about why women are not considered in certain roles.”

“Although there are many talented women at the ministerial level and by the vote of the large electorate who have all the qualifications for all appointments, there are names, and those are male names,” the vice-president says. At the same time, the chamber reaffirms the importance of electing the “supreme person and the person who respects the Constitution.” According to Geolorosi MPs, it would be better if the next head of state is a woman, but the general opinion is that the values ​​he expresses are more important than gender. Deputy Demuthika Enza Bruno Posio, On the contrary, says, “Yes, at all costs to a woman, but not to any woman,” because not all men are the same, and not all women are the same. “In the end, though with a slightly different nuance, everyone is looking for a single and authoritative name, not just any name.