Saturday, July 27, 2024

“His Administration Like the Gestapo”


Former US President Donald Trump has launched a new attack on US President Joe Biden’s administration. During an event with donors in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, the Republican candidate for the White House compared the Biden administration to the Gestapo. “These guys are running a Gestapo administration. This is all they have. It’s the only way to win in their opinion,” Trump was quoted as saying, according to audio of the meeting. The former president’s comments, US Channel reports, came as he talked about his legal troubles, attacked the prosecutors handling his cases and lamented the recent indictments against several of his former top aides in Arizona.

“As soon as I was indicted, I said well, now the gloves have to come off,” Trump added, adding, “Biden is the worst president in the history of our country. He’s very incompetent. He’s the Manchurian candidate,” he explained. Trump refers to Richard Condon’s 1959 novel.

Trump also admitted he was surprised when he was indicted. “When I was indicted, I said, ‘Holy shit, I’m indicted,'” the former US president said.

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