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Hubble discovered a planet with water vapor in the atmosphere: now James Webb will have to investigate it

Hubble discovered a planet with water vapor in the atmosphere: now James Webb will have to investigate it

After discovering a very specific planet, NASA experts decided to use their new instruments sent into space in order to get as much information as possible about it. But what do we know about her?

Reconstructing the planet Hubble found –

the planet In the question is slightly larger than Nettuno, is called You are 674 b. It stands out from others because it is huge Amount of water vapor in that ambiance, so we immediately understand that it is an anomaly in all respects.

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To discover this planet is the space telescope Hubble, who has already made some Ads promising This may provide a very adequate explanation comprehensive on this strange world a 150 years. However, they decided that they would take else To find out more: What?

The mysterious size of the planet

Hubble discovered a planet with water vapor in the atmosphere: now James Webb will have to investigate it
Its dimensions, although appearing in an area that should not have them, are equal to those of Saturn and Neptune –

to follow this studio It was Jonathan Brandi DelUniversity From kansasThe results have been shared on the platform arXiv are subject to Astrophysical Journal but to him publishing. In this way, the news managed to obtain a file Bigger bad reputation in a short time.

Initially ,esopianita Already detected by satellite he-goat, an acronym for exoplanet survey satellite, immediately became a subject of analysis due to its proximity to Tera From Excellent brightness And you don’t like it mother star. Be that way, to study the planet’s atmosphere, along with measuring the amount Water vaporIt was decided to use the new space telescope James Webb, who was already Launched a birthday. This is a very special novelty, especially since it does not happen often to study it Atmosphere of three exoplanets size Nettuno.

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Moreover, the astronomy They were also fascinated by the fact that a esopianita This shouldn’t be there, or at least they shouldn’t have anything size like these planet we only have Eye. These, in fact, are extremely rare gifts to be found space orbits, and the fact that You are 674 b It could be a clear sign that it, in fact, has formed in another state planetary system.