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The new theater collecting competition between the League and the Democratic Party

The new theater collecting competition between the League and the Democratic Party

Unable to fight Mario Draghi, the majority leaders have no choice but to fight each other. Even as autumn approached (and the executive session) the battlefield began to become the most important sport, in this sense they rejoiced for a while: the election of a new head of state. Chamber Speaker Roberto Figo – Sergio Matterella’s order “thirty days before the deadline” – to convene a “joint meeting” of parliament and the region. Representatives invited to vote for the next president of the Republic (1,009 so-called “big” voters).

To meet the feet, now with almost trivial habits, mostly Matteo Salvini and Enrico Letta. Already on Tuesday they went on stage at the Rimini meeting. Mussolini, Deuce’s brother, with the secretary of the Democratic Party, who returned to the attack of Claudio Dugrikon, with the unfortunate idea of ​​renaming the park in Ligina to Giovanni Falcon and Paulo Borcelino to Arnoldo. Not surprisingly, the apparently unpopular plan has become an argument for weeks, with a section of Pd, Leu and M5 asking Durgan to step back. Salvini responded by pointing the finger at Interior Minister Louisiana Lamorges, who said the league leader considered a weak link in the government structure. A hand wrestling match between Salvini and Letta went on yesterday, however moving on the theme – apparently already hot – after Matterella.

“If we support Democrat Secretary of State Draghi to be our Prime Minister” at least until the legislature’s normal expiration in 2023, then Leto’s goal is to “put one of them on the crane,” Karosio’s leader replied. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either. For Salvini, what came from the former prime minister was not a wish, but a “ticket”. “It tastes bad – he adds – to decide what Mr. Mario Draghi will do, and of course there won’t be little Enrico Letta doing it.” The Minister of Development, Giancarlo Giergetti, the most moderate soul of the League, is intervening in this matter. In fact it doesn’t go that far. “To be prime minister – he says – Drake needs a parliamentary majority because we are in a democracy like this.” Of course, of course. This means very little: if the former ECP number one is in Palazzo Siki or goes to Grinolle, the League’s votes will still be needed. In short, this will not be the sole decision of the Democrats. On the other hand, it is very unlikely that it is the only center-right that refers to the succession of Mattarella. By adding the votes of various satellites of Lega, Forza Italia, FDI, Italia Viva, center-right and regional representatives, we get 494 votes. Still those below 505 serve the absolute majority from the fourth ballot.

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But whether or not Tragi is in Palazzo Siki, it may be the end of Tragi, who is decisively stronger and more powerful than a political organization that is in crisis of all kinds. On the other hand, even the fights of recent days – see the Durian case – have left the Prime Minister small or nothing. Two days ago, he limited himself to telling Salvini that the matter should be resolved as soon as possible, but it was not his intention to confront this type of controversy. No tracker considers it a “background noise”. Not because it considers itself superior to politics, but because – despite the white semester – no party today has the strength to really question its government. On the other hand, this is the sense of rationality that Salvini addressed when he pointed out that the Durian case should be closed quickly. Economy Minister Daniel Franco was forced to take his proxies.