Saturday, July 27, 2024

Part of the yellow, two are in danger: Italy is back in color


The Sicily It may come back on Monday, August 30th Yellow Zone. This is recommended by the 24 August tracking data, which confirmed that both the island event parameter and in particular the criteria related to hospital employment are beyond previously established limits.

In recent weeks the number of beds in the revitalizing wards has been able to increase, compared to July 196 in Sicily, thus economically exploiting the whole summer, except the yellow zone, this time it is not possible to do anything. The occupancy rate of beds in intensive care was 12.1%, in normal wards it was 19.4%, and the limits set by order were 10 and 15%. The incidence is beyond the range of 50 cases per 100,000 population, with the latest surveillance actually recording 197 per 100,000.

If this area becomes the first region to return from August 30, at least, despite the restrictions, that does not mean there is no danger to others. Conversely, with great probability, according to the data, the yellow zone Sardinia It was only postponed to September 6th. The other island, in fact, has already surpassed the main limit of 10% intensive care – which is 11.2% – but was able to avoid the yellow zone this week because, with 14% occupying normal wards, it is below the established limit.

Also under surveillance Calabria e Umbria. The first consists of 6% occupied intensive care and 15% normal beds. Second, according to the latest Agenas surveillance data Announced by ilMessaggero, Its intensive care units occupy 9%, while wards account for 8%.

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Now after the last Govt order, there are very few restrictions on changing from white to yellow. First, no Curfew, Or there are no barriers to travel whether you enter or leave your region.

The only duty to come back is to wear a mask even outside and there are no tables Restaurants No more than 4 people can be seated, with no difference between an outdoor or indoor table.


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