Friday, July 26, 2024

Workers who do not apply for a one-time allowance by this date will forfeit €200 bonus


Many workers this month will receive a bonus of 200 euros. But for some, the delivery may not be automatic and they will have to order it. If the order does not arrive by a certain date, the worker risks losing the contribution. INPS has released a new one regarding application procedures and times message.

The €200 bonus is perhaps the most significant contribution with the only comprehensive government-issued check of the year. It must be remembered that this financial aid is for one time. Its goal is to counteract rising inflation in many everyday commodities. Many categories of workers can access a bonus of 200 euros. These include retired and employed, self-employed and contract workers, domestic and seasonal workers, the unemployed, and recipients of citizenship income.

Many of these will automatically receive the amount on your paycheck or pension. However, others will not receive the bonus automatically and therefore will have to request it. INPS 2580 letter dated June 27, 2022 specifies which topics will not automatically receive financial assistance and how to request it.

Workers who do not apply for a one-time allowance by this date will forfeit €200 bonus

Workers who have a coordinated and ongoing cooperative relationship must apply for the bonus. In addition to these topics, workers enrolled in a recreational retirement fund, the occasional self-employed, and domestic workers must also apply. Seasonal intermittent workers for a fixed term and those for a fixed term in the agricultural sector must also apply. Added to these are the workers responsible for home sales.

All of these workers will have to make an explicit application for the allowance within a certain period which is not the same for everyone. Housekeepers and caregivers will have to apply by September 30, 2022. Other categories of workers will have until October 31 to request €200. All payments will be made according to the schedule shown in Circular No. 73/2022.

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To apply, workers must access the section of the INPS website: Non-Pension Benefits Access Point. It must be remembered that SPID Level 2 or higher, 3.0 Electronic ID Card and National Service Card will be required for the application. Alternatively, INPS also offers the ability to place an order through its multi-channel call center. The toll-free number is indicated on the website of the Social Security Corporation.

Those who will receive benefits automatically do not need to worry

If these workers are obliged to apply for the allowance, many others will receive the contribution directly to their checking account. They will not lose a reward of 200 euros. They are employed, retired, and receive benefits such as those registered in the unemployment lists and those receiving citizenship income. In the June 21 letter, No. 2505, INPS detailed the timing of the bonus payment for this category of workers.
Obviously, to obtain this contribution, it is not enough to fall into one of the indicated categories of workers. It is also necessary to have the income requirements required by the legislation.


Additional €120 for some families with children thanks to the adjustment of the only universal allowance

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