Friday, July 26, 2024

Without children and a brand, Ferragni disappears from social media


The Ferragnez family became increasingly distant. Fedez H Chiara Ferragni They spent the Easter weekend apart, thousands of kilometers away from each other. In fact, the influencer traveled to Dubai with her children and family of origin, while Fedez preferred a holiday in the ostentatious mountains, among fine wines and luxury cars. But the two children, Vittoria and Leon, did not have enough time to return to Italy when their father took them on another trip to the other side of the world. Miami. A trip that Fedez longs for, who did not hide in the previous days that he felt a strong longing for his children.

And Chiara Ferragni? She lost her traces when she returned from… Dubai. No stories or posts for the influencer who has not communicated with his followers on any platform for 4 days. also cableWhere he promised to attend and interact with his most loyal followers, he was abandoned, perhaps because he did not reach the number of followers he expected. But beyond that, the influencer seems to do just that Without children It has no conditions for creating new content. Is it possible that the digital entrepreneur with over 29 million followers doesn't know how to fill her social media without her kids? Since his arrival on Instagram, and long before the wait for Leon, Ferragni has shared fashion advice, often sponsored, with his followers. Bags, clothes, jewelry, shoes: his profile was a showcase of luxury.

But from Panduro Gate onwards, brands distanced themselves from their image and pulled contracts. What's left for Chiara Ferragni? Only its remains pictureTo a large extent, if not completely, compromise. The implicit agreement of trust between followers and influencers was destroyed in the Balocco case, leaving Ferragni with a very low, “exploitable” fan base, certainly less than the nominal 29 million fans that can be read on the profile. Without children to “use” to create sympathy, without a brand to use for profit and with his image at an all-time low, Ferragni finds himself in a huge void, as evidenced by his absence.

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He must find the courage and strength to do so Reinvent yourselfto go beyond what she has always been if she does not want to continue drowning without reacting.


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