Friday, July 26, 2024

Top News

Draghi ‘showman’, says no encore, currying favor with Moscow flirts

He is a Mario Draghi 'showman' who has something for everyone. First, for Matteo Salvini and Giuseppe Conte, the Premier should try to...

US: Biden funds around 900 million euros for charging stations

Tell me how many charging stations there are and I'll tell you how widespread electric cars are. It's more or less an...

Pisa priest resigns after sexually abusing minors

The Archbishop of Pisa, Giovanni Paolo Benotto, issued a note announcing the resignation of a parish...

What America Wants – Time

Giada Oricchio September 15, 2022 What's behind the US document on Russian financing of political forces in twenty-four countries? Why did the report come 11...

Strike in Rome tomorrow, Friday 16 September 2022

One strike A sudden call with very little notice, using a passage of law that allows...


