Friday, July 26, 2024

«These are the cases in which it can be used»-


Secret documents obtained ten years ago Financial Times This seems to indicate that Russia anticipated the possibility of resorting to tactical nuclear weapons Not just in response to an atomic attackBut also in the event of great difficulties faced by his army. Even in the event of an invasion of its territory or the loss of 20% of its ballistic missile submarines.

The files, which were primarily indicators of the training of the military units concerned, It's definitely outdatedBut it points to something that experts consider very worrying. It comes beyond the lines set by the Defense Doctrine A certain “ease” is confirmed Russian leaders should resort to any tool they consider useful to achieve their goals.

The “official” doctrine.

The rules established by President Putin himself prove this Atomic weapons can only be used in two cases.
The first is if the country is attacked with the same munitions by another power.
The second is when the state's existence became in danger.
The Russian President recently confirmed this Eliminate the need to resort to this type of meansThis is also because Russia today will have a clear superiority in the conventional field, and also thanks to the new “miracle” weapons that have been announced and partly tested. From hypersonic missiles capable of flying at incredible speeds, to completely innovative torpedoes.

The possibility of using this tool has been talked about for some time, when it seemed that the Ukrainians were able to regain large parts of the areas occupied by Moscow. It was said that an atomic explosion of limited power, perhaps in an almost uninhabited area, would have an important deterrent effect. However, Russian experts seem to have concluded that an event of this kind would have run a serious risk of provoking a direct reaction from the United States or Great Britain.

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Documents received from Financial Times They quote Other cases too in which The use of tactical grenades would be possible. 30% of nuclear attack submarines destroyed; At least three cruisers or three military airfields; Or a simultaneous attack on land command centers or the coast.

Border with China

Another particularly interesting aspect of the secret documents revealed is the attention paid by senior military leaders Protecting the Russian-Chinese border. In the file talking about the exercises, a Chinese invasion and the use of nuclear weapons to repel a possible second wave are clearly foreseen. Today, relations with Beijing are certainly good, and many believe that there are no problems for Moscow on this front. But Western experts point out that the Kremlin is nonetheless It continues to enhance its nuclear capabilities in the Far East near the border with China. Most of the installed weapons systems only have the ability to reach Chinese territory.


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