Speaking of trombones, here Nino Cartabellotta, founder of Gimbe and gastroenterologist who became a virostar and delivered virology lessons throughout Covid with great clarity. Big supporter of lockdown, big supporter of the green lane, big supporter of the fight against no faxing, now discover the need to protect personal health data.
He says you can’t give everyone personal information about people’s health, because there is privacy. Find out with Matthew Messina Mooney. Nino Cartabellotta wrote on Twitter: “Public disclosure of details regarding health status, medications taken and other health information is an invasion of privacy. Even against those who have committed heinous crimes. #MatteoMessinaDenaro.”
It is very good that Professor Cartaplotta has come to this conclusion. But we have a question: And what about the health data of respectable Italians who had to inform the pizzeria of their health for pizza or the waiter for coffee? And the data Italians had to show about their vaccination status (and therefore the medicines they took) to buy a pair of shoes, go to the greengrocer, go to work or send their children to school? Well, those don’t count? No, don’t count on those. Privacy applies to Matteo Messina Denaro.
Keep listening to Mario Giordano’s video column.
“Coffee fan. Tv specialist. Social media aficionado. Zombie geek. Evil analyst. Web expert.”