Friday, July 26, 2024

The ancient lunar probe LRO gives us a glimpse of Jupiter


The largest planet in the solar system is the gas giant Jupiter Once again the subject of the photoshoot Very particular, it is not the result that is struck but rather the means that were used to obtain it. The photo in the title is proof of this and dates back to the end of August. To share it was Brett Denevey, a scientist at Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) who was involved in an analysis of Pictures taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, also known as LRO.

However, some would argue that the orbiter in question was not built for this purpose, and in fact, the LRO was designed to observe the surface of the Moon, and it has performed very well in these 12 years! But the burden of seniority begins to be felt and not all the tools on board are working at full capacity. Solar panels, for example, have lost a lot of their efficiency according to Denphy, so realizing this shot takes on even more charm from this point of view.

Getting the image of Jupiter took some effort as the orbiter had to be directed toward the outer solar system in time, and it’s not as straightforward as a process. Then a high-contrast version was shared, thanks to which the location of four of the moons orbiting the gas giant could be determined.

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