Friday, July 26, 2024

Temperatures and winds from the south are ready to tip the scales over half of Italy. We tell you what will happen now »


Weather: Temperatures, and winds from the south are ready to tip the thermometers over half of Italy. We tell you what will happen now

Temperatures are blown by the wind from the southAfter enjoying the first cold of the season, especially at night and early morning, winds Give The south is ready to disturb at least half of Italy from a climatic point of view. The news was just confirmed by our latest update Official APP.
When the air currents are directed from the southern quadrants, we should always expect masses of moist, temperate or sometimes even warm air, especially when rising directly from the heart of Africa, As it will happen in the next few days.
between Tuesday NS Thursday It will be a lot of us invest Give currents rather hot The result will be inevitable General rise in temperature.

Already since then Tuesday The thermal increase will be noticeable above all in the values MaximumAnd while during night Will continue to do rather still hotAnd especially Al north And in the deeper regions of center: In these areas, in fact, most of them are recorded Strong thermal excursionsAnd With differences also between 15/20°C between day and night: Just to give an example, the temperature Nighttime temperatures approach the 6/7°C that are recorded these days in many areas of the Po Valley, in contrast to higher daytime values ​​even from 20°C!

between Wednesday NS Thursday More boosters for winds moist NS hot The southerners will announce the arrival of a Atlantic turbulence With its load of drag and it will be the latter that will play a key role on the thermal front: if on the one hand, most of the cloud cover It will limit the rise of thermometers during the day, especially in the north and in part of the center and vice versa It will result in a net and general increase in the night values, de facto decree on The end of strong thermal trips between day and night.
The Wind Its intensity will increase especially in the central-south Tyrrhenian sector, in the Ionian sector And in the middle and upper Adriatic, where we expect a general Strengthen for motorcycle wavy.

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In the following days, after crossing HassleYou’ll be back for more air flowing over Italy Fresh. So we will give upOctober To leave room for a climate certainly more favorable to the calendar with the possibility of a return to it Thermal values over mold autumn, as it should be in the last decade of October.


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