Friday, July 26, 2024

Never touch the issue of monetary sovereignty


One of the most innovative Meloni government The facilitation reform is the one that eases the burdens condition It brings pressure to circulation Tax credits the same people who risked becoming sort of Currency alternative. government decision to reduce Big bonus From 110% to 90% it was justified by the high cost of the franchise. Suffice it to say that in May 2020 there was talk of a requirement of about 9 billion euros to spread until 2026, while today, with the decisions of the Council of Ministers Conte government One we find ourselves with a 42 billion discount already due and a 60 billion projected discount at the end of the business, with a gap compared to the 38 billion forecast weighing in. Amplifiers condition. The Economy Minister Giorgetti He expressed himself regarding the transfer of credits, warning that it is a possibility, not a right, so whoever wants to benefit from the bonus will have to deal, he will be able to benefit from the discounts, but he will not be able to transfer the credits, otherwise this is the truth “We were going to create a currency. Banning or curbing the circulation of credits twice helps conditionreduces the actual burden, increases the likelihood of incompetent creditors and prevents them from being immediately accounted for as debt defaults.”.

Simply put, these credits must not circulate in order not to constitute debts, as I have commandedEurope. This is my key to understanding this story, a story I have been describing to you for years and told you it would end this way. The crux of the matter is that they made all the newspapers write that they wanted to block everything because of an infiltration MafiaFor offenses, for courts. all bales. The fact is thatEurope He ordered that these credits that were to be given to citizens and above all to Italian companies not be circulated, so that they would not be created religion, as for the orders of Europe, and for, as it is now declared, we would have for all intents and purposes created a parallel currency. This is the crux of the matter: never touch the question of monetary sovereignty. It just so happens to be the one I’ve been talking about for years because a monetary sovereign country is a free country and Europe can’t really afford that to Italy.

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Malvezzi Quotidiani – Human Economics well explained with Valerio Malvezzi


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