Friday, July 26, 2024

NBA, Warriors champion again in the White House, nearly 7 years since the last time


Going to the White House for the NBA champion in recent years has become a not-so-obvious gesture: the Golden State Warriors know that since February 2016 – after their first historic success against Cleveland – they won two more NBA titles. : in 2017 and 2018, But I do not find the hospitality and acceptance of the Trump presidency, with whom Steve Curry personally (and not only) came to a difficult social and personal confrontation, to the point of freezing a practice so beloved and appreciated by enthusiasts and institutions. That is why the warriors were doubly happy to return to Washington within the building code of power and government in the United States, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris welcomed them with open arms —California and a big fan of Golden State, as she herself was keen to stress: “Our beloved Warriors,” she calls them “a personal pride and source of joy,” as the No. 49 jersey that San Francisco handed to them after the election told her.

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In the press room full of journalists and players arranged on the podium with the staff, they entered together, side by side: Steve Curry and the President of the United States, “4-time NBA Champion and Our Nation’s Champion”, Vice President Harris also called them. A speech of gratitude and appreciation by Biden, who was keen to stress one thing: “Veterans are always welcome in this White House,” emphasizing firmly “this” and signaling a further break from the past. Biden talked about Bill Russell and Martin Luther King and how the entire Golden State represents the soul of an entire country: Possibilities symbol, personal freedom within an organized team context. Curry then spoke, donating two custom-made shirts for the occasion and concluding, “I really hope this isn’t the last time we all get to be here together.” The idea is that the Golden State can repeat itself in the future and won’t stop winning NBA titles.

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