Friday, July 26, 2024

Healthcare No Wax uses 1,200 tar-chronicle


Residence of health workers resisting compulsory vaccination (archive photo)

Tuscany will not wait for a TAR ruling on the suspension of an appeal by the approximately 1,200 health professionals (mostly nurses and physicians) set for Sept. 6. In fact, early next week, the first steps to detect non-compliance with vaccine duty will be announced. There are about 7,000 health workers in Tuscany who have not yet responded to the vaccination obligation imposed by national law and are valid until 31 December 2021 and have not responded to the first reminder sent by the health department’s immunization departments. The second is active …

Tuscany will not wait for a TAR ruling on the suspension of an appeal by the approximately 1,200 health professionals (mostly nurses and physicians) set for Sept. 6. In fact, early next week, the first steps to detect non-compliance with vaccine duty will be announced. There are about 7,000 health workers in Tuscany who have not yet responded to the vaccination obligation imposed by national law and are valid until 31 December 2021 and have not responded to the first reminder sent by the health department’s immunization departments. The second and final appeal is ongoing: Certified mail (to members of various professional associations) and registered letters (to workers in the non-order health sector) have been sent. And for many, the time to regulate the situation is over.

After yesterday’s meeting in the health sector of the Tuscany region, the last meeting with the unions is scheduled for today. The assessment will be sent by the ASL’s preventive departments at the end of the time required by law, some of which have now been finalized.

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CGIL points to the problem of staff shortages: “It is not yet clear which professional profiles are most involved, and we do not have lists for privacy matters – explains ASIL Tuscany ‘s CSIL representative Simon Baltachi. Will be.

The problem is very delicate: unfortunately even those who have been vaccinated can spread the virus and in the presence of the law that health professionals have to vaccinate themselves by claiming that the nurse who did not vaccinate in Pistoia infected 5 patients, what happens is the disease dangerous to the patient? Who will pay the unavoidable consequences, the employer who will not suspend or move the unvaccinated professional to other tasks and who else? “It is necessary to intervene immediately in accordance with the law to avoid achieving serious consequences,” explains Simon Pesini Regional Councilor for Health. The Tuscany Region integrates operations in this game, providing lists and addresses of professionals and employers. Division in which local health officials operate.

But who is responsible for the proper functioning of the suspension? “This order prohibits professional activity, but employers, public or private, must apply for unpaid suspension until the end of the year, or transfer the employee from assistance to service,” Bessini concludes. The various orders of the nurses make the individual campaign, calling the experts one by one. “But there is a hard center where we can hardly believe that the compulsion of medical treatment is competing for ideological reasons,” explains Danilo Masai, head of the Florentine and Pistoia line of nurses.

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