Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Funeral Francesco Valticeri, Tribute to Giorgia Meloni: “Being here is a priority”


As the ceremony begins she arrives, to the back, to the side, away from the light, away from the shouts, unaccompanied, followed by publicist (and friend) Giovanna Iannello and her brother-in-law Francesco Lolloprigida. her. Why A TestacioFor the funeral Francesco ValdeceriNo Georgia Meloney The Prime Minister, the head of the FdI, is probably not even political.

Giambruno, Meloni’s partner: «Ginevra is very good. We wouldn’t live in Palazzo Sigi because of its quietness.

But the long-time friend, Mom, hugs Paola Di Caro in a very long hug – at the end of the ceremony, she “lines” like everyone else. Tears, many. puffy eyes Paola melts. When he sees her – as a parliamentary reporter – he makes a speech, as if to say: What are you doing here, with all you have to do. Meloni comes straight from the Quirinal, where he has been sworn in as the new Italian prime minister at the hands of Mattarella. A mother’s answer to a mother: “Life is made of priorities”. Then: “We will not leave you alone.” Paula cried, devastated by the pain.

The Funeral of Francesco Valdeceri at Santa Maria Liberatrice (Luca Bonacorso / Toyati)


In the church, from a distance, Meloni sees Enrico Letta. He was also, quite personally, a family friend of Valdeceri. Wave of greetings, from far and wide. This is no time for politics. It was a moment of silence and prayer. Their respective roles, journalist and politician, are a dimension beyond one party or the other. Meloni spent a lot of time with Paola, they knew each other for a long time, they became friends, while always respecting their respective “jobs”. Ever since the tragedy, Georgia has let everyone know that no matter what happens, she has to be at the funeral. A matter of priority, indeed.


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