Friday, July 26, 2024

Friends 20, Aka7even Explains Why You’re No Longer Moving With Deddy


Aka7even NS Didi They are not going to live together anymore. were the two Announce the decision to make a home Shared several months ago while living in Instagram. Both were students of the latest version of Maria de Filippi’s friends Thanks talent Channel 5 They met and built a beautiful relationship.

Their association led them to decide that they wanted to share their daily life, but so far, their life and work projects seem to have changed a lot. Had to explain how it goes Aka7even Who, in response to some fan curiosity, made it known:

I’m not going anymore to live with a tuna (Didi, editor) Because we have two different paths, and for me, going to live in Rome doesn’t make much sense, since I don’t have a record company there, I don’t have a family and I don’t have any production. Milan and Mantova are the two stops closest to my needs. Didi When he wants to come see me, I’ll be ready to challenge him to a cooking contest.

So it looks like their paths will separate, at least geographically. Didi He will live in Rome Aka7even You will have to choose to settle in Milan or Mantova. However, work commitments will not prevent the two young people from continuing to meet and nurture that friendship that was born between the offices of a school Friends 20.


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