After the Two of Spades last Monday, the couple Heidi Bacci – Massimiliano Varese He returns in the middle of the Thursday, September 28, episode Big Brother 2023. Alfonso Signorini has spoken to both to try to resolve the issue, but for social media there will be a “compositional force”.
Big Brother, Live Episode 6: No one was eliminated this evening. Couples games and first fights
Beatrice Luzzi, a VIP contestant who makes the entire Big Brother house argue
Together by force
“I am seen as a bully, as a normal man who stops any woman – Massimiliano Varese explained during Thursday evening’s episode – I am not like that, I am the father of a daughter and I am seen as gay” That didn’t make me crazy. “It doesn’t belong to me. I’m not that ordinary guy who goes and knocks on anyone.”
For the Signorini, Heidi adopted childishly seductive language without wanting to: “When you were talking to each other, you would touch your hair and put it behind your ear. It’s a classic message of female seduction. You were tempting him, did you know that?” But Heidi doesn’t like it. “I don’t like Massimiliano, in the clip where he touches my hair I was simply worried.”
“Do you have a passion for Hedy that you cannot contain?” Signorini asks Massimiliano. “I have learned that from personal experience. I want to live my life with ‘today and that’s it.’ I don’t want to have it.” Regret. I reciprocated, noticed, and realized it wasn’t just about me.
She’s scared and I can understand that because I’m older, I’m a father, out of here I’ll figure out how to deal with it, maybe I’ll just disappear for a while. “Am I bossy?” Heidi asked. “She said no”
Web rage
There is a barrage of criticism on the Internet about this author’s choice in wanting to force this couple at all costs, which have the impression of reconsidering the path of Manuel and Lulu in the last edition of Big Brother VIP.
Last updated: Friday 29 September 2023, at 00:00
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