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The global economy is slowing down.  China is slowing down.  The American exception – economics

The global economy is slowing down. China is slowing down. The American exception – economics

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Italian GDP cuts estimates For 2023 and 2024, As part of a general slowdown in the global economy Affects developed countries more.

For the current year, The IMF forecasts 0.7 percent growth for the Bel Paese, a 0.4 percent reduction compared to the July forecast. And Italy will grow by 0.7 percent in 2024.

IMF analysts point out how World economyAfter the plague-stricken blows, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and inflation, Speed ​​has slowed but not collapsed.

It increases one’s chances Soft landing scenario (Soft Landing) The fight against inflation, launched by major central banks with monetary tightening, is causing prices to cool (from 9.2 to 5.2 percent globally this year), which is now not causing a recession.

Depression, though common, is more common in developed countriesExcept for the US Estimates increase to +2.1 percent of GDP this year and 1.5 percent next year.

And then there is the suddenness slows down ChinaIt has to deal with the aftermath of the real estate crisis and the weakening of confidence: forecasts for the world’s second largest economy have been cut to +5 percent in 2023 and +4.2 the next.

Returning to the Old Continent, A 0.5 percent drop in GDP is expected for the German economy In 2023.

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