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Roberto Vannacci, a book by a general who insults homosexuals and immigrants.  He: “I’m special” –

Roberto Vannacci, a book by a general who insults homosexuals and immigrants. He: “I’m special” –

«Of course I wrote “Dear gays, you are not normal, get over it”. But it’s a sentence written by someone who isn’t normal: I’m “special.”TO”. Folkore’s former chief, General Roberto Vannacci, 54, who held responsible roles in the Special Forces, is now at the center of controversy over rulings that halted his self-published book. The world is upside down. Considerations “LGBT Abnormality”, anti-immigrant, anti-feminist, and anti-environmentalist stances enraged a broad and diverse audience in unison. From politics to top military leaders, they distance themselves from it: “Personal views, the military is not aware of. Never subjected to the recognition and evaluations of military leaders». For that the army has “reserved measures to protect its image”.

Phrases that caused a wave of reactions. At the same time the book topped the charts Amazon Best Sellers In the ‘Liberty and Security’ section.

“He is unfit for his role” attacks M5S Alessandra Majorino. Dem committee chairman on Defense Commission calls for resignation as head of Army Geographical Institute. Stefano Graziano: “Unreasonable Words”. to Nicola Fratoianni (Avs) “He cannot represent our army”. Ironically what he calls “mein Kampf de noantri”. Ricardo Maggi (+Eu). And they interfere too Figara and Bigon: “Doctors advised him to drink plenty of water, avoid going out in hot weather and avoid spicy foods.”

The general speaks of “exploitation”, with “sentences taken out of context” and says he is “degraded” for “the process of ideas”: Giordano Bruno They burned him because he had the opposite idea.

Three degrees, six languages, A raider story, except for FolkoreFrom Somalia with rescue operations of civilian personnel from wartime environments Rwanda. Later in Moscow, as an adviser on diplomatic missions until the invasion of Ukraine. About fifteen military decorations incl Bronze Star Medal USA For service Afghanistan. Vannachi underlines: “I am a member of the Special Forces and I claim my abnormality, that is, being part of the minority”. And, regardless of the storm, he adds: “I have nothing against homosexuals, I support their rights, I do not judge them, I do not think that one can judge the taste of one over another. What I refuse is that the exceptional, the marginal or the minority is referred to as normal» . He complains about the controversies: “I am considered a homosexual because I have ideas that are different from the same thought. I say what many think but are careful not to reveal.

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about women, She doesn’t see her judgments as sexual: « Talking about traditional family, I explained that it is usually the one who takes care of the family, gives up full-time work and takes care of the financial support. But I am not referring to who is between husband and wife. I said that in my family, my mother took care of the house.