Friday, July 26, 2024

Felito: Soon to be a twin with a municipality in the United States


The duo was made possible by the efforts of Felito and Jeff Casella, who hail from Felito, but were born and raised in the American municipality. The declaration of the most symbolic union between the two cities and the two communities was presented to the citizens in the council chamber of the municipality of Felito, in the presence of the mayor, Carmine Casella, all the municipal administrators and many residents. Always active for the betterment of the area.

Words by Jeff Casella

It is a great honor to share this moment with everyone today. A special thanks to Mayor Casella Carmine and all of Felito’s representatives for sharing this special announcement officially letting everyone know that Old Forge and Felito will begin the twinning process.Jeff Casella said.

When will the twins be official?

For the occasion, a cake with symbols of both the communities was also presented to the attendees. The twinning should be made official by 2024, when Old Forge will be celebrated at the same time in the municipality of Felito, and underline the importance of the union drawn up with the aim of uniting the traditions of the two communities. The Feast of the Madonna of Constantinople was held in September

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