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Il Volo del Mattino: How to Get Rid of the Old to Make Room for the New

Il Volo del Mattino: How to Get Rid of the Old to Make Room for the New

Do you have a habit of accumulating useless things thinking that one day, who knows when, you will need them?

It all starts here. from position To maintain. And if your answer to the question is yes, then know that this situation can be a symptom unhappiness.

We talked about it in DEEJAY Radio in a loop of morning flight Where it was read and explored The void principlea short text about a hundred years old but always very modern that explains how to attract beautiful things to be able to let go of past suffering and be reborn, moving forward.

Concepts that he knows well Fabio Volo which states that:

I put it into practice and can say it works. is called The void principle.

to hear the words Fabio Volo to morning flight And to understand what it is, click on the player below.

Il Volo del Mattino: The Principle of Emptiness. Listen here

Fabio Volo and the principle of emptiness

The principle of emptinessit’s a The principle of emptinessis a passage written by the American minister, priest and author Joseph Fort Newton, who lived between 1800 and 1900. In his life Newton taught at Harvard, received four honorary degrees and wrote more than thirty books.

In short, Newton was not the last to arrive. Fabio Volo wanted to bring it to DEEJAY Radio Where he reads his thoughts lives a kind of law of gravity.

These are the written words of the Texas author:

Do you have a habit of accumulating useless things thinking that one day, who knows when, you will need them? Do you have a habit of collecting money only to not spend it because you think you will miss it in the future? Do you have a habit of storing clothes, shoes, furniture, household utensils and other things at home that you haven’t actually used for a long time? and inside you? Do you have a habit of blaming, resentment, sadness, fear, etc.? Do not do it.

This is the first step of The principle of emptinessWhere Newton targets all those spaces where there is no emptiness, and where emptiness is missing, where emptiness becomes a painful absence.

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Apparently, what hurts us is having it under our eyes, that space empty. It all starts, as mentioned earlier, from the (toxic) habit of To maintain. Who is this afraid To throw things that are useless, that we no longer use, because maybe one day they can still be useful. In the meantime, let’s put things aside, ‘then we’ll see’, ‘you’ll never know’. Better to have something useless than nothing, rather than empty. But no: it’s actually quite the opposite.

You need to leave a void, a void, for new things to enter your life. It is necessary to get rid of all the useless things that are in you and in his life so that prosperity can come. The power of this void is such that it absorbs and attracts whatever it desires. As long as you carry around old, materially or emotionally useless feelings, you won’t have room for new opportunities. Goods should be circulated: clean drawers, wardrobes, tool room, and garage. Donate what you no longer use.

Here’s Newton’s advice: Free yourself from the old. Only then can you create one new space. Empty space ready to be filled with something new. It is a void that has a positive meaning, not synonymous with imperfection but with new opportunity.

Also because when you decide to keep something, according to the American author, something very specific happens.

It is not the things you keep stagnant in your life, but the meaning of the holding attitude: when you hold, you think about the possibility of imperfection and lack. It is believed that tomorrow you may be so lacking that you will not be able to cover this need. With this idea, you send two messages to your mind and your life: that you do not trust tomorrow and that you believe that the new and the better do not suit you. That’s why you enjoy preserving old, useless things. Get rid of what has lost its color and luster: let the new enter your home and your soul.” – The Principle of Emptiness

That’s how it ends The principle of emptinessan assumption according to which it prompts us to keep it from fear, from laziness, to avoid discovering the new, closing ourselves in our own Comfort Zone. But it is only outside of it that we truly open ourselves to the new and let life overwhelm us, that the most beautiful things are hidden.

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Basically, in order to get better, you have to do it Create spacesinside and outside. Creating new opportunities e leave it The things. First step to success? Take out and dispose of all old and useless items in the attic.