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State, return to office Monday.  It is recommended on beaches.  Recovery in Brussels

State, return to office Monday. It is recommended on beaches. Recovery in Brussels

In the appointment with the European Commission, Italy was on time. On the contrary. The Italian government will also be at the forefront of providing Recovery plan In Brussels. The document will be sent today. At the right time at the right time. The first significant practical effect is that the first 23 billion euros will reach the treasury by the end of the summer, if no damage is done. The 13 percent improvement in 191 and the passage of the main line of the European program, together with national funds and other European funds, valued Rome 248 billion. Yesterday the ministers gave the green light to the document presented by the committee Mario Draghi It was explored by Parliament earlier this week. In short, the approval of the ministers is only an endorsement. In fact, yesterday there was a “dual” group of ministers: the 30 billion national fund for recovery and “complement” work was actually approved this afternoon.

BNRR, the final green light on the Council of Ministers again this afternoon

In the morning the government examined and approved another ordinance: extensions. A text questioning the role of the lion Smart work Of public servants. The news here is no less. As expected Ambassador, Renato Brunetta’s desired move immediately removes the obligation on public administrations to keep at least 50 percent of employees in active work. This means that from the date of publication in the Gazette (probably May 3), the heads of the offices will be able to invite all employees whom they deem fit to serve in their presence. The “return to office” was greeted with “satisfaction” by Brunetta. “The PA – he explained – is returning to default and should prioritize families and businesses by moving away from the barriers of epidemics.” This decision was announced by the Ministry of Public Administration and was taken in full agreement with the CDS, Science and Technology Committee.

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In short, returning to the office should be done safely, depending on distances and with all personal safety equipment. Smart work can still be delivered in a simpler way by the end of this year. In order to deliver it, however, managers need to ensure that services are delivered “routinely and efficiently” as well as “strictly adhere to deadlines”. There are also some new features in working at full speed of agility. Administrations need to prepare so-called Bola, the enterprise plans for active work that current law provides. Boles have to say what actions can be done remotely and what cannot be done. 60% of “disposal” employees have to work remotely. This percentage has been reduced to 15% in the order approved yesterday. Not only that. In the next simplification order, new changes may come. Bola should change its name and turn it into a “re-engineering” project of procedures for providing services to private offices, with a minimum percentage of 15% eventually disappearing.

Open issues

However, in yesterday’s meeting, there was no discussion on extending the offer to beaches and street vendors. The period of concessions was extended to 2033 with the 2018 Budget Act, which was then reaffirmed and confirmed with the August Orders. However, the European Commission questioned the extension with a formal notification letter from Italy, while tens of thousands of bath companies are waiting for the extension due to TAR judgments. The hypothesis of a rule to be used during infections is in the table. But beach offers and street vendors are asking for an explanatory rule for the 2033 extension, which will definitely address the descriptive issues raised by the TARs. This problem can be solved in the competition law that announced the redemption.

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Finally, the so-called gold power was extended until the end of this year to take advantage of the economic crisis and strengthen the special anti-power forces introduced to counter the risks of attacks on national champions during epidemics.