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Italy was torn apart by thunderstorms in August. Let’s look at the trend until August »

Weather for the holidays: Italy is riven by thunderstorms in August. You can see the trend till August 15

Screenings for AugustOver the past few days, many of you have been asking us for information about next month August, a highlight of Italian holidays; Many are anxious to know if this extreme heat will end and if storms will re-form. ok th Latest Updates Just arrived from the European center A general view of temperature and rainfall For Northern, Central and Southern Italy.

As always, we must trust in what we are called to do Long-term climate forecasts (August): Once decidedly unreliable and an object of study and curiosity for the curious and curious, now seasonal predictions A perfect tool for scientific forecasting, with decisive contributions to long-term climate assessment. In Europe, a leader in this field is the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWFFrom Reading (United Kingdom).

Analyzing the general hemispheric picture, it is clear that we will have one in the coming weeks High activity in the Atlantic, that is, very unstable and cold flows that cause waves of bad weather. In short, a first “atmospheric release” of sorts after 2 months of unchallenged anticyclonic dominance. attention: We expect this to be confirmed Italy torn apart by some stormy rupturesIt can in many cases bring calmness and heat (still expected heat values ​​outside the norm) by high pressure, especially In northern regions. to South Center Instead we have to deal with a more complicated existenceAfrican resistance Temperatures are again above the reference climate average.

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Basically, slightly warmer than the average north, but without extreme temperatures as happened in the last two months and some thunderstorms certainly violent and hail. A Center and South With above-average temperatures in most environments Stability Associated with tropical storms, mostly inland and mountainous, with few and localized storm conditions. It is ultimately the Climate trend Expected till August 15th, in the next articles, we will specify more precisely the dates and areas most affected by thunderstorms.

Trend for August: Thunderstorms in the North, heat in the Mid-SouthTrend for August: Thunderstorms in the North, heat in the Mid-South